Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for children

The child suffocates ... Parents who have come up against the problems of bronchial asthma know how difficult it is to take into account the fact that a child with such a disease should take a minimal daily dose of corticosteroids. It is necessary for him to just breathe normally. But can there be a way to help a child not only with medicines?

As it turns out, there is a very effective method of establishing the correct breathing of the child, which was invented by the Russian vocalist Alexandra Nikolayevna Strelnikova in the second half of the 20th century.

At first, she considered her development as a gymnastics, in which the voice of the performers began to ring clearer and purer (she was engaged with the students, and therefore she was very worried about the rapid development of their voice). But later it turned out that, in addition, respiratory gymnastics for children according to the Strelnikova method gives an excellent healing effect for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, adenoids, stammering, and sinusitis. It can also help cope with such problems as runny nose, skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis), cardiovascular diseases, headaches, migraines, head and spine diseases and injuries.

Here are some examples of several exercises by the method of respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova.

Examples of exercises

The rule: the breath is only made by the nose, while the inhalation should be noisy, sharp and short, and exhalation is carried out through the mouth. Breathing is done only at the same time as the movements.


The child should stand upright, bend his arms in the elbows, lower them down and show the palms. In doing so, it is necessary to make sharp, rhythmic breaths with your nose and clenching your hands in the fists - how to grab the air. The contract must take four breaths, and then - a pause for three to four seconds. Make four more breaths, again - pause.

Exercise is performed 24 times for 4 breaths.

(Keep in mind that at the beginning of this exercise, dizziness is possible, it should go away quickly, but if it does not, exercise should be done sitting).

"Pump" (or "Pumping the tire")

The child becomes straight, legs are put already, than width of shoulders. He must make a slope forward (hands reach the floor, but do not touch it) and in the second half of the slope, take a sharp and short nasal inspiration (the breath needs to be completed with the bow). Without fully straightening up, you need to raise yourself and again execute the inclination with the inspiration. This exercise is like pumping car tires. Perform 16 breaths, pause - three to four seconds, again 16 breaths.

Exercise is performed 16 times for 6 breaths.

"Cat" (or squats with a turn)

The child becomes straight, legs are put already narrower than the width of the shoulders, and makes light squats (without lifting the feet off the floor) and at the same time turns the trunk to the right. He takes a sharp breath. Turns in the same way to the left - a sharp breath. Take care that the child does not squat too deeply during this exercise. At the same time, his hands must grasp the air just like in the exercise "Ladoshki." The contract must be done with 32 breaths, then rest for three to four seconds, and again 32 breaths.

Exercise is performed 3 times for 32 breaths.

"The Big Pendulum"

The child becomes straight, legs are put already, than width of shoulders. As in the exercise "Pump", the child bends a little forward and inhales. Then he bends in the lower back, tilts back and hugs his shoulders with his hands. Take another breath. With this exercise, exhalation takes place by itself, it should not be specifically controlled. Pauses between the breaths are three to four seconds.

Exercise is performed 3 times for 32 breaths.