Mnemonics in exercises

Modern teachers, in order to facilitate the kids remembering the necessary information, are increasingly using mnemonics in special exercises that correspond to a certain age. They look different, but more often they are tables, charts and cards, through which the child uses associative thinking to reproduce the information.

Mnemonics in exercises for children helps kids to significantly increase their vocabulary, as well as learn how to use the right words in the correct form. In addition, children learn the correct construction of proposals, become more literate and train assiduity. These classes are most often used in children's preschool and junior school. Special techniques are available for the adult audience.

Rules of mnemonics

It is very important that both teachers and parents engaged in practical exercises in mnemonics do not overdo it. On the day it is recommended to work out no more than two tables or chains, and also consider only one topic, for example, fairy tales, transport, plants, etc.

In addition, it is important that all visual material for the child is bright, attractive, colorful. Pictures should be clear, for better visual coordination. In the tables there should be no more than 9 sectors for use in preschool age. A larger number will unnecessarily overload the child. After working for a few minutes, you need at least a couple of hours to take a break, and then again return to the studied material, too, for 10-15 minutes.

Exercises for mnemonics for schoolchildren include tables and diagrams, as well as various associative techniques in the form of pairs of words related in meaning. Seeing one, you remember the second.

Innovators of pedagogical activity have developed special exercises for mnemonics, which are the training of memory. If you spend them regularly, ideally - every day, then very soon the child will surprise you with a good result.

Mnemonic squares and mnemonic paths

With the help of such simple pictures, words are memorized. As soon as the child studies them, such pictures are added to the tracks of three or four cards. On them, he can compose a small story using visual analysis. On such cards it is easy to teach the child how to dress properly. For example, in a certain sequence, the objects of the wardrobe are painted, which need to be worn one by one - tights, pants, socks, sweater, boots, hat, jacket, scarf, etc.

Mnemonic schemes and mnemosci

Mnemonic schemes are used to increase the active vocabulary. In them, with the help of schematic images, the information that should be caught by the child is stored and then reproduced. At first it can be difficult, but you should not deviate from your goal. Soon the kid will understand the principle of action and he himself will gladly solve such puzzles.

On the scheme consisting of six squares, we are talking about spring and the awakening of nature. In the spring, the sun begins to brighten brightly, rivers are melting, streamlets are running, migrating birds fly, the first snowdrops blossom, insects are awakened from hibernation, buds and leaves are budding. According to such schemes, the child traces the sequence of movement in nature.

Using this technique, you can teach your child to quickly memorize rhymes. They can be of any complexity, although it should start with the simplest and most understandable.

The use of mnemotechnics also improves the memory of children with developmental lag, who have been diagnosed with PID. They can be engaged not only at the speech therapist, but also at home together with mum.