Acquaintance with parents

Our life is filled with all sorts of events that, one way or another, determine its course. Undoubtedly, the first acquaintance with the parents of the second half is one of such very important and important events.

Acquaintance with the parents of a man

One day one day a young man will want to introduce you to his family. Of course, this moment is exciting, but it's no less pleasant. After all, this step can only say that your relationship is moving to a qualitatively new level, more serious and important. That's why the excitement is understandable, but it's not worth it to be afraid and much less avoid such a meeting. Your boyfriend will not be too happy to hear or feel that you do not want this meeting, since he is. However, in case you are not yet ready for such a step, you just have to talk frankly and explain your feelings to him, a loving person will understand you.

But if you still decided, then you should familiarize yourself with some rules for dating the parents of a guy or a groom:

  1. Try before the meeting to find out from your young man a bit about his parents: what are they fond of, what are the traits of character. This will be useful in order to be mentally prepared for acquaintance with as yet strangers.
  2. At a meeting behave naturally, do not try to build from yourself a person who is not. Falseness is always felt and almost always causes a negative.
  3. Nevertheless, be polite and smiling. A smile always disarms and disposes to pleasant communication.
  4. As for the outfit, then it's worth to dress for the season and based on the situation. Choose clothes in which you will feel comfortable, but at the same time beautiful and decent.
  5. Talking with parents is an excellent opportunity to learn about your chosen one any interesting details from his childhood or youth, use this.
  6. Remember that if this woman and man have managed to raise such a wonderful son - your lover, then - they themselves are very good people and you will certainly be able to find a common language with them. After all, the happiness of their child is their happiness and they are also worried, no less than yours.

Let's acquaint the beloved with our parents

Another no less responsible and important moment, both for a guy and a girl, is acquaintance with the parents of the bride. Try to get into the position of your young man, as recently you yourself were in his place. Sure, he also worries and wants to make a good impression on your parents. Tell him about them, warn about possible forbidden topics or about some peculiarities of your family. Of course, it is important for you to hear the approval of your parents - tell them something good about your lover. Thus, you will be able to prepare in advance a favorable ground for such an acquaintance.

In case you and your young man have already decided on such a serious step as the creation of a family and even the date of the wedding has already been fixed, then it is probably time for the first acquaintance of the parents of the bride and groom. This meeting often carries an additional burden - a discussion of the organizational aspects of the upcoming celebration. In this case, it is important not only to be limited to diplomacy, but also not to forget about personal acquaintance, establishing friendly relations. Discuss the place of this meeting with your future spouse, based on the common interests of your parents. For example, if both families adore the dacha and in such an informal atmosphere will feel most comfortable, then probably the best place will be a country vacation in nature. However, a picnic with shish kebabs and fishing is a universal option, which certainly will help to become the basis of strong friendship between families.

In conclusion, it is important to note that, in spite of the parents' opinion, you choose your life partner and, regardless of any circumstances, your choice will be based solely on your own preferences.