Benign breast tumors

Benign breast tumors occur as a result of processes leading to a disruption in the ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components. As a result, tumorous neoplasms are formed. A benign breast tumor is characterized by the following symptoms:

Above listed characteristics correspond to the most common diseases of the mammary glands, such as fibroadenoma, cyst, lipoma, intraprostatic papilloma and various types of mastopathy.

Causes of benign breast disease

Benign breast diseases arise from the impact of various factors. Of these, the following should be noted:

  1. The early onset of menstruation and the later onset of menopause.
  2. The presence of breast diseases in maternal relatives.
  3. Dysfunction of the endocrine glands and, as a consequence, menstrual cycle disorders.
  4. Stressful situations, especially prolonged nervous overstrain.
  5. Gynecological diseases.
  6. Late first pregnancy (after 35 years).
  7. Mastitis .
  8. Obesity.
  9. Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance.
  10. It is proved that the formation of benign tumors is directly affected by the level of estrogens. Under the influence of this hormone, proliferation of the epithelium of the alveoli, ducts is intensified and the activity of the connective tissue elements is stimulated.

Signs of a benign tumor

The main symptom of benign breast tumors is the densification, defined by the touch as a "bump". With this disease, a special characteristic is pain. Beginning with the middle of the menstrual cycle, the intensity of pain gradually increases. Just before menstruation, the pain reaches its peak in severity, sometimes even touching the laundry causes unpleasant sensations. And after the onset of menstruation, soreness is significantly reduced. Such changes are caused by fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone.

With the papilloma located inside the ducts, there may be a clear discharge from the nipple.

To reveal a benign breast tumor is possible with an independent examination of the mammary glands, which consists in examination and palpation. Any compaction is an occasion to go to a mammologic consultation. Since it is not easy to determine whether it is benign or malignant. Caution should also enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Women over the age of 40 years are shown an annual mammogram study, before this age it is better to undergo ultrasound of the mammary glands. In doubtful situations, a biopsy, a doc- tography, a computer or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

Healing measures

Treatment of benign dysplasia of the breast and other benign diseases depends on the size, location and type of pathological focus. In the presence of a cyst, conservative treatment is possible. To eliminate it, if necessary, use sclerotherapy. That is, a sclerosing substance is introduced into the cyst cavity, due to which the walls of the formation adhere.

The only effective treatment for fibroadenoma, papilloma and lipomas is surgical intervention. The size of the operation depends on the size of the tumor. And this can be enucleation of the neoplasm, sectoral resection and complete removal of the affected breast.

The main thing is not to forget that any benign neoplasm requires regular observation.