Diseases of the vagina

All vaginal diseases are combined with the term vaginitis or colpitis . It often happens that the external genitalia or cervix are involved in the inflammatory process.

Causes of inflammatory diseases of the vagina

Vaginal diseases can be caused by the following reasons:

Diseases of the vaginal mucosa are always accompanied by its redness and swelling. Sometimes an active inflammatory process can cause vaginismus. This is mainly a neurogenic disorder. In response to severe pain, spasm of the muscles forming the entrance to the vagina occurs.

Depending on the pathogen infectious diseases of the vagina are divided into:

The latter include colpitis, which is caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (escherichia, staphylococcus, streptococcus and others). In this case, female vaginal diseases do not always develop. For their occurrence, there must be a predisposing factor in the form of damage to the mucous membrane. Also, the presence of dysbiosis of the vaginal microflora is in itself a good breeding ground for colpitis.

Not all pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammatory diseases of the vagina. Most often the cause of vaginitis are candida, mycoplasma, trichomonas , ureaplasma urealitikum, gardnerella.

Manifestations of vaginal diseases

Symptoms of vaginal disease depend on the nature of the flow and the cause. But basically they are similar to each other. Below are the most characteristic of them:

  1. Discharge from the genital tract. With trichomoniasis, they will be fluid with air bubbles. Creamy, grayish discharge is more characteristic of bacterial vaginitis. They also have a smell of fish. Fungal diseases of the vagina are manifested by thick, abundant secretions with an acidic odor. Often in appearance, they are compared with the curds.
  2. Itching and burning.
  3. Redness in the genital area.
  4. Violation of sexual desire. This is due to the fact that the sexual act is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, up to a sharp pain.
  5. In severe conditions, an increase in body temperature is characteristic.
  6. Allocations are considered the most common symptom of vaginal disease, which is associated with treatment in the clinic. Their characteristics vary, depending on the disease of the vagina and its cause.

Non-inflammatory diseases of the vagina in women

The most frequent noninflammatory female vaginal disease in the postmenopausal period is atrophic vaginitis. The disease is characterized by thinning of the epithelium of the vagina, due to a decrease in the content of estrogens. This is manifested by dryness in the vagina and itching. Often accompanied by painful sensations during intercourse.

There are also background and precancerous vaginal diseases in women, accompanied by a change in the structure of the epithelium. These include:

The only manifestation of these conditions can be itching. Such diseases of the vagina are most often found on examination. Since the affected areas are well visualized.

Of benign tumors of the vagina, fibroids are mainly found. Its main symptoms may be drawing pains in the crotch and vagina. Pain can increase with sexual contact or with gynecological examination.