Aspirate from the uterus

Vaccum aspiration of the uterine cavity is the simplest and most reliable way to extract the contents of the uterus for examination. Unlike diagnostic curettage, this method is much more gentle with respect to the tender mucous cavity of the uterus, does not injure it, it leads to complications, such as inflammatory processes, much less often. Taking aspirate from the uterine cavity is shown in the following cases:

Cytological examination of aspirates helps to track whether the endometrium corresponds to the phase of the cycle, whether malignancies develop in it, and to detect uterine cancer at the earliest, preclinical stage.

How do you take an aspirate from the uterus?

A woman who is to aspirate the contents of the uterine cavity, usually wondering how painful this manipulation is, on what day of the cycle it can be performed and how to properly prepare for it.

Until recently, Brown syringes were used to take the aspirate from the uterine cavity - plastic containers 300 mm long and 3 mm outer diameter, and the woman could experience unpleasant, even acutely painful sensations. Now for these purposes apply more advanced tools: vacuum syringes of American manufacture and a cannula, manufactures of Italy. In order to minimize discomfort, 30-60 minutes before the manipulation should take an anesthetic drug. The study is usually prescribed for 20-25 days of the menstrual cycle.

During the procedure for taking the aspirate from the uterus, the doctor performs the following manipulations:

  1. Examines the patient.
  2. Disinfects the external sexual organs with iodonate.
  3. Naked cervix with mirrors.
  4. Captures the cervix using bullet forceps.
  5. Probes the uterus to determine the size of its cavity.
  6. Takes the aspirate with a vacuum syringe.
  7. Removes tools and re-processes the external sexual organs with iodonate.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity is performed within the walls of the usual district women's consultation and takes only a few minutes. This procedure does not require any specific preparation, therefore the woman needs to perform only usual hygienic procedures, as before an ordinary visit to the gynecologist.

Contraindications to vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity

Taking aspirate from the uterine cavity should not be done with acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary sphere, the presence of inflammatory processes in the cervix and vagina.

Complications after taking the aspirate from the uterus

In a small percentage of cases in the process of taking an aspirate from the uterine cavity, the mucous walls of the uterus can be traumatized, which is manifested by pains in the abdomen, which are given upward to the collarbone. If blood vessels are injured during the procedure, internal bleeding may occur. As a result of blood loss, blood pressure drops, a feeling of nausea and dizziness, bloody discharge from the genital organs.

Another possible complication after the aspiration of the uterus cavity may be the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus. In this case, the woman has weakness, pains in the abdomen, body temperature rises. Symptoms of inflammation can appear as a few hours after taking the aspirate, and after a few days.