Varieties of edible honeysuckle

It is not only a beautiful showy plant for giving, but also incredibly useful berries . In the fruits of honeysuckle a huge amount of vitamins and biologically active elements. It is very simple to care for a bush , and there is a lot of benefit from it. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the description of the varieties of honeysuckle edible.

Honeysuckle is edible: best grades

Conditionally all varieties are divided into three groups. Early ripening will please you with fruits by about June 15, a little later the middle-ripening begin to ripen and late-ripening varieties give fruit at the end of the month.

Typically, in the markets and in specialized stores, you can find several breeding groups.

  1. On the basis of Altaic yielding varieties new Ural varieties of honeysuckle were edible. Almost all bushes are very compact and grow no more than a meter and a half. The bushes regularly bear fruit, but do not have a high yield. Fruits are useful high in vitamin P, and the taste has a small bitter bitterness.
  2. More often on sites by the gardener it is possible to meet grades of a honeysuckle of edible Siberian selection. These varieties are best suited for processing and have a higher level of nutrients. Selection has varieties of all maturation periods.
  3. Varieties of honeysuckle edible Pavlovian selection differ fairly thick squat crown, more pronounced and sweet taste of berries. Due to the decorative qualities of the bushes are well inscribed in different types of landscape design, and the berries themselves do not crumble for a long time.

What sorts of honeysuckle are the most delicious?

Now let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the most popular varieties. As a rule, gardeners conditionally divide them into three groups: sweet, yielding and large-fruited.

Sweet varieties of honeysuckle edible

  1. Kingfisher . The bush grows to two meters, the fruits are also quite large. The taste of the berries is sweet, there is a sourish, but hardly noticeable. Refers to medium-early varieties.
  2. Kumikovka . The bush is of medium height and spreading. Among the sweetest varieties of honeysuckle this berries have a thin dense skin, a slightly elongated shape. The taste is very sweet, there is practically no acidity.
  3. Slavyanka . The fruits are large, have the shape of a spindle with a rounded upper part and a narrow lower one. The berries are sweet, have a delicate aroma. This is considered to be one of the best varieties of honeysuckle edible both in taste and in size berries.
  4. Honeysuckle is an edible variety of strawberry. Among all the most popular sweet varieties of honeysuckle edible this is recommended for beginning gardeners. Berries have a characteristic flavor and sweet taste. Sam bush unpretentious, perfect for landing on the perimeter of the site.

Large-fruited varieties of honeysuckle

  1. Bakcharsky giant . The bush has an oval sparse crown. Fruits slightly elongated in shape, size up to 4cm. The taste of berries is dessert, sweet and sour.
  2. Violet . The bush is rather compact, has a round crown. The berries are oblong in shape, similar to a jug. They have dense skin and sweet and sour taste.
  3. Shahin . A medium sized shrub with an oval crown. The berries have a cylindrical shape and dense skin. This variety is one of the best among large-fruited. Fruits have dessert, sweet and sour taste.

The most productive varieties of honeysuckle edible

  1. Berel . A tall and strong shrub with a lot of berries. The berries are pear-shaped, well-kept on the bush and do not crumble. Unfortunately, the fruits have an acid-bitter taste, covered with dense skin.
  2. Fire opal . The bush is quite tall, with a thick crown. Fruits have an oval slightly elongated shape. The taste is sour-bitter, berries are covered with dense skin.