Yellow body cyst

Women are often frightened by the conclusion of an uzista doctor: a yellow body cyst or a cystically altered yellow body. Especially worried about future moms. And they can be understood: all the thoughts are only about the health and well-being of the baby, and here it is ... The cyst itself does not bode well. But is it worth it to panic?

What does the yellow body cyst mean?

Let's remember what a yellow body is: it is a temporary formation that appears in the ovary after ovulation at the site of the ruptured follicle. Each yellow body normally passes through four stages of development:

  1. The stage of multiplication of cells of the burst follicle begins immediately after ovulation.
  2. The stage of germination in the tissue of blood vessels.
  3. Stage of flowering: the yellow body increases to 1.2-2 cm and begins to actively develop female sex hormones (progesterone and estrogens).
  4. The stage of reverse development: the yellow body wrinkles and gradually turns into a white body.

However, the work of the ovaries is often violated, which leads to the formation of functional cysts:

The follicular cyst is formed if the ripened follicle does not burst, releasing the egg, but thickens and expands. A yellow body cyst appears, if after ovulation the ruptured follicle is filled not with cells of the yellow body, but with liquid. The size of the cyst of the yellow body is small - 2-7 cm in diameter. A cyst less than 3 cm in diameter is called a cystic yellow body.

Usually, functional cysts develop asymptomatically and disappear on their own for several weeks. They can appear in any woman of childbearing age. Blame for all hormonal imbalance, arising for the following reasons:

What is dangerous for a yellow body cyst?

In most cases, the yellow body cyst does not bother a woman, it can be suspected by the following signs:

Pregnant cyst of a yellow body is detected with ultrasound. Future mothers are frightened by this neoplasm, but in the early stages of pregnancy the yellow body cyst is the norm - it is here that progesterone is produced that contributes to the preservation and development of pregnancy.

However, despite apparent harmlessness, the cyst of the yellow body is dangerous for its complications - rupture or torsion of the legs, which can be provoked by physical activity, violent sexual intercourse and simply sudden movements:

Yellow body cyst - treatment

Treatment of the cyst of the yellow body is carried out by hormonal contraceptives, which are selected individually, on the basis of a blood test for hormones. In most cases, it takes three months for the cyst to completely disappear. If no positive changes are observed, the doctor will most likely suggest removing the cyst surgically. With the development of complications, the operation is performed as soon as possible. In particularly severe cases, it is recommended to remove the cyst of the yellow body with part of the ovary, or remove the ovary entirely.

lead to inflammation of surrounding tissues, up to peritonitis.