How to store beets and carrots for the winter?

A good harvest of beets, carrots and other vegetables is incredibly pleasing to the horticulturist-gardener, but at the same time presents special requirements for storage, in case of non-observance of which you can say goodbye to the results of your summer work long before the first warm days begin. How to store beets and carrots for the winter - in this article.

How to store beets and orange root vegetables for the winter in the subfield?

There are a lot of ways and you can try each of them, but first you need to dry the vegetables, preliminarily calibrating the rootlets and cutting the tops to a height of 1-2 cm. To wash off dirt from root crops is strictly not recommended, but large lumps can be shaken off after drying, damage the vegetables, otherwise they will not be stored. Those who are interested in how best to store carrots and Buryaks for the winter, it is worth paying attention to the following ways:

How to store beets and carrots in the refrigerator for the winter?

In the absence of a cellar or underground, it is necessary to add root vegetables to the refrigerator using conventional plastic bags. However, it is not recommended to close them tightly. True, this method will save vegetables only for a month. You can put them on a glassed-in balcony, but only before the frost or in the drawers next to the balcony door. Some add root vegetables directly under the bed or in the pantry in large bags, but the shelf life will in many respects depend on the temperature in the room and if it is too hot, the vegetables will quickly fade. Best of all they feel at a temperature of +1 to +4 ᵒC.