Cleansing the body with rice at home

To rejuvenate, reduce weight and purify the body, the medicine of the East uses rice for centuries. Its grains absorb and remove from the intestine waste of metabolism, toxic substances and excess salts. Purification of the body by rice is based on the unique porous structure of this natural sorbent.

How to soak rice for cleansing?

To activate the absorbency, the rice is soaked by removing starch from it. For the course of cleaning we take 4 jars or glasses. We sign them from 1 to 4. In the morning in the tank № 1 fall asleep 2 tbsp. l. rice and pour cold (better filtered) water. The next morning, this rice is washed and poured again. In the second jar we place two tablespoons of rice, pure water. The third day - we wash rice from two containers and prepare the third. So consistently we fill all 4 jars. On the fifth day, rice from the first container is ready for eating. It is best to use raw rice to cleanse the body.

Cleansing the body with rice at home

A sedentary lifestyle and nutrition with a high content of dyes, preservatives lead to the accumulation of toxic substances. Cleaning the body with rice is a simple and affordable way to establish good work of the intestines, kidneys and liver, slow down the aging process and normalize body weight. After the course, which is carried out for forty days once a year, the mobility of the joints improves, the vessels are cleaned, the skin rejuvenates, the swelling and manifestations of cellulite are reduced. Cleansing begins with the fourth week, and the effect continues for three months after ingestion.

Rice cleansing in the morning

To carry out the purification treatment, instead of breakfast, only the soaked rice is needed. On an empty stomach you can drink a glass of water. After taking rice, it is forbidden to eat or drink for three hours. When intolerance of raw rice, you can pour it with boiling water or boil for about 7 minutes. Rice cleaning is effective in limiting alcohol, meat, fish, sugar and salt during this period. It is recommended to drink plenty of pure water without gas (at least 2 liters per day). It is best to use brown brown rice, it will take about a kilogram. Clearing the body of rice can be carried out and the usual white, oblong or round.

Cleansing the joints with rice

Pain in the joints and spinal column occurs when salts are deposited on articular surfaces. Cleaning the joints with rice reduces pain during movement, improves mobility and flexibility, helps to get rid of morning stiffness due to the ability of rice to remove excess salts and reduce swelling of tissues. For greater benefit, during the period of cleansing, it is necessary to increase the motor activity, doing gymnastics, walking or swimming.

Cleansing the intestines with rice

If bowel function is broken - unstable stool, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, after taking antibiotics or any other long-term medication treatment, bowel cleansing is shown with rice. From the intestines are removed toxins, slags, mucus, excess bile acids and cholesterol, the microflora and metabolism are normalized. When carrying out the course before bedtime, it is advisable to take a glass of homemade yogurt.

Cleaning the vessels with rice

With age, the blood cholesterol level rises even when the right diet and lifestyle are observed. The rice reduces the absorption of fats and cholesterol from the intestines and helps to remove them from the body. Rice cleaning at home helps a natural way to clean blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques for better supply of organs with oxygen and vitamins. After a course of cleansing, memory and working capacity improves , aging processes are slowed down, heart attacks and strokes are prevented. In the menu you need to add raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes to avoid loss of potassium.

Cleaning the body with rice - contraindications

This cleansing is well tolerated, but weakness and headache are possible in the first days, which last for three to five days. Cleaning with rice is not carried out without prior consultation of the attending physician with:

Do not combine rice cleaning with other types of cleansing or starvation. The best result is given by a vegetarian diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge on the water, sugar substitution for honey and dried fruits, salt restriction (for the use of greens and lemon juice) and complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Refuse this time and need from chips, shop sauces, fatty and smoked food.