Psychopathic type of character

Personality with psychopathic type of character and wants to control everything. Not only that society must play by its rules, it is also quite self-centered, and like the air, it is necessary for others to always need it. Although deep in the soul, having such a character , a person is afraid of becoming someone's puppet, he is afraid to be used.

Nature of psychopathic nature

No wonder the great psychiatrist Z. Freud once said that "We all come from childhood", that is, all human problems have roots in the distant childhood of everyone. So this type of behavior is often formed precisely at a time when the family is in an atmosphere of rivalry between the child and the father. As a result, the baby has a passionate desire to always come out victorious from any situation that has developed in the house. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with the fact that psychopathic traits of character already in childhood are brought up in the personality of the quality of the winner. The main reason for this psychic tendency of human development is, albeit unconscious, the desire of the father, experiencing egocentric inclinations, to tie the child to himself through various methods. As a result, the head of the family tries to reject the baby's needs for him in the form of physical and psychological contact. This gives the child a dislike for the parent, his reluctance to be like him. As a result, the process of identity is violated.

Then the kid has to either suppress his needs, or seeks to satisfy them by manipulating his parents. It should be noted that people with a psychopathic type of character may have a propensity for a masochistic plan, incl. they appear when in childhood they are forced to submit to their parent.

The main features of the psychopathic nature

This type of character is also called antisocial. Such people are peculiar:

  1. Inability to feel the state of mind of another person.
  2. A conscious neglect of the established rules, duties and norms.
  3. Inability to see your wrong, guilt.
  4. Lack of ability to draw conclusions from negative life experiences.
  5. The propensity to blame others for "the misfortunes of mankind", to offer explanations for such a cause of the situation that has occurred, which inevitably leads to a conflict between the psychopathic personality and society.
  6. Frequent dissatisfaction and irritability.

The main fear of the psychopathic personality

Perhaps the main characteristic of a psychopathic person is her inner fear of losing control. After all, they are ready, at all costs to control the passing around. They are always it is important to know what exactly the person that interests them does when he is at home, where he spends his free time, etc. In the event that the emotional connection between the psychopathic and the person he needs is broken, the first is ready to turn the ground to resume it. It will not be superfluous to note that all individuals with such a character are characterized by emotional coldness, insensibility. The icy emotionality melts only in case of lost control over what, or by anyone. It is important to note that such omnipotent control is also the main protective reaction of these people.

Ways to achieve the desired

A psychopathic person is an excellent actor in life situations. They put on masks, depending on the circumstances. Banquet? Then he is witty, charming, polite, like never before. At work with subordinates - cold, severe, heartless. Only at home, the masks are hidden, and a tired, exhausted, cold, silent person appears.