10 shocking BYTY products, which women used for hair styling

Beauty requires sacrifice. On what only did not agree the young lady, in order to get a stunning hairdo.

Seeing these horrific tools, you realize that we live in a happy time. So, I came to a beauty salon, sat down in a comfortable armchair, read an interesting magazine about the fashion world, and the hairdresser, meanwhile, brings your locks in order.

1. Comb of bone, V-VIII century.

Clearly, among the peoples of the ancient civilization Merovingians (now the territory of France and Germany) there were no vegans, otherwise they would comb their hair with their fingers. By the way, in the photo next to the comb are hairpins and scissors.

2. Curling fork curls and trimmer, 575-1194 gg. BC.

With the help of this tool, the rich women of Ancient Egypt created a beautiful perm. True, they did not do their hair, but specially trained slaves-hairdressers. Such devices for waving and cutting hair were made of bronze and a bit like a weapon.

3. Hair dryer "Thermicon" (Thermicon), 1880s.

The technology of using the device was simple: boiling water was poured into special containers, fixed on wooden handles. Then a rough part of the vessel was driven through the hair until strands were dried. By the way, on the label it is indicated that this device will dry hair in a few minutes (although it is hard to believe in it).

4. The device for waving hair, 1891 year.

So it looked like the first ever gadget for curling hair. It appeared on sale in 1891. The metal roller had to be heated on fire, then wind the curls on the metal tongs and insert them into the roller hole. A rather dangerous device, but what can you do for the sake of beauty?

5. Electric brush, 1890s.

This tool was invented by Charles Klein. It consisted of magnetized iron rods. The most interesting thing is that the main function of this cheek was not that she perfectly combed her hair, but with the help of magnetotherapy she took off the headache and prevented baldness.

6. Retro iron for Hollywood waves and corrugation, 1900s.

In the early twentieth century, these metal beauty tools women used to be like their favorite actresses.

7. Hairdresser's hair dryer, early 1930's.

True or not, it is believed that this double hair dryer was the great-grandfather of modern. We hope that it was safe for the hair of women of fashion of the last century.

8. Another version of the salon dryer, 1935.

In 1935 in all elite beauty salons one could see such an instrument. He first appeared on a fashion show in London. The device was a heated metal cap, which fixed the hair with hot air.

9. Electric waving device, 1939

With his help, long curls appeared coquettish curls.

10. Curlers, the 1920's.

The famous waves of the jazz years were given to women really hard: to the limit, heated metal curlers, about which young ladies most often burned their hands, were wound on the hair. Leave on the head for 30 minutes to 1 hour. In the end, it turned out to be a beautiful wave, but at the same time such hair curlers injured the hair.