Planning of the family budget

The concept of "budget" is well known among the people. But not everyone knows that this is not only one way of calculating income and expenses, but also an indicator of material relations in the family. The family budget is a monthly plan, drawn up according to the income level of a certain family.

How correctly to calculate and manage the family budget?

To calculate the family budget, you will need to calculate the balance of expenses and incomes of your family within 3-4 months.

There are several stages in the management of the family budget.

  1. Setting global goals. If your family does not have a clear goal, then you can not make a budget in such a way that it helps to achieve it.
  2. Drawing up a family budget or financial planning. At this stage, you should divide all expenses:
  • Maintenance of reporting on compliance with the budget plan. Calculation of expenses for each member of the family and consideration of the possibility of their reduction.
  • Analysis of the budget. Search for answers to questions:
  • A closed circle of expenses. Stable amount of necessary family expenses.
  • How correctly to distribute the family budget?

    The most common is the classification, according to which allocate a joint, jointly-separate, separate types of family budgets. Each of the presented types has both advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose your type depending on the characteristics of your family relationship.

    1. Joint budget. The most common type of family budget. In this situation, the wife and husband put together all the money earned together and decide together where to spend them. In this case, personal finances and the family budget are interrelated.

      Pros: a material sense of the "unity" of family members.

      Cons: unwillingness of each of the spouses to report, for their expenses, the desire for independence in solving their financial problems. The desire to dispose of income separately, and not together.

    2. Together - separate or business. If you use such a model of the family budget, you can independently manage only those funds that remain after the payment of all the primary costs, such as food, utility payments, household expenses, etc.

      Pros: no sense of guilt for the money spent from the overall family budget.

      Cons: distrust of family members to each other, because of their financial independence.

    3. Separate budget. Spouses in this case in everything provide themselves, right up to the food. Can be used in families in which both the wife and the husband have a high income and do not want to depend on anyone.

    Pros: no conflicts on financial grounds.

    Cons: lack of desire to make joint purchases.

    How to plan a family budget?

    "How to draw up a family budget?" Is a question that worries many people. Modern technologies allow you to easily manage the family budget by drawing up plans for spending and revenue for the next month. If you do not have access to specially created computer programs, then you can independently create a table of expenses and incomes of your family. Remember that the data should be specified as accurately as possible.

    1. Make the table into 4 columns.
    2. In the first column, write the name of the expected income this month, wages, pensions, child allowances, etc.
    3. In the second column, enter the amount of the corresponding expected income.
    4. In the third column, enter the estimated costs, all kinds of purchases.
    5. The last column will correspond to the sums of expenses for prospective purchases.
    6. Calculation of the family budget. Calculate income and expenses, think what can be changed in the data in this table to optimize the family budget, draw conclusions.