Adolescent reproductive health

From reproductive health in adolescence, the future full-fledged life of our children largely depends. So, in time noticed and cured the problem will deprive him of problems with childbearing in adulthood.

And the protection of adolescent reproductive health must begin with the protection of the health of schoolchildren and even younger children. First of all, care for the reproductive health of children and adolescents lies with their parents.

You do not need to wait for a certain age, for example, 14 years, to show your daughter to a gynecologist or to rely on a school physical. It is necessary to begin caring for the health of the reproductive system of children from birth.

The reproductive health of a girl is, first of all, the competent hygiene of the sexual organs. However, this applies to boys. If there is a suspicion of inflammation, you should immediately contact a specialist - a surgeon and a pediatric gynecologist.

When the same offspring of the first month's girls, she should be prepared for this. Try to educate your children so that they do not hesitate to contact you on any issue. Because it is noticed that approximately every third girl from the very beginning of puberty collides with irregular menstruation and other accompanying problems. But because of the embarrassment, he does not discuss this with his mother and draws this problem into the teenage, and then into the adult period of his life. And it becomes the reason of various complexity of problems, down to infertility at women when they become them.

It is equally important to draw the attention of their children to the impact of smoking and alcohol on reproductive health. We need to explain in an accessible form and without pressure to our son or daughter how dangerous tobacco and alcohol are, how harmful these harmful habits affect sexual health and the birth of healthy children.

Of course, in adolescence it is very difficult to maintain your authority as a parent, but you need to try, because your grandchildren are at stake.