Brown discharge during pregnancy

The processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman can frighten future mothers. And especially they are concerned with the question, what discharge during pregnancy are considered normal, and which are not? And to which of these categories are brown secretions? Let's try to understand these issues together.

Brown discharge during pregnancy is often a threat to the baby's future, so if you notice the slightest change in the color of your discharge - immediately consult your gynecologist. Normal discharge during pregnancy rarely has a brown tinge, but they can often appear in the development of complications, a cause that can only be determined by a doctor. On the 1-2 week after conception, the egg is attached to the uterine wall and in these days there may be slight beige or pink discharge. But even in such cases it is better to immediately turn to a gynecologist.

Most often, brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage. This can be due to the separation of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus, which leads to bleeding. Also in this case, there may be various pains, vomiting and dizziness. If bed rest and compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor are observed, the threat of miscarriage can be avoided. Brown discharge may appear in the case of an ectopic pregnancy - pathology, when the fetus begins to develop in the fallopian tube, and not in the uterus. It can be accompanied by heavy bleeding. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor, because the faster the operation, the higher the chances of maintaining the uterine tube. Diagnose ectopic pregnancy can be on ultrasound. If necessary, appoint additional examinations.

With many gynecological diseases, brown and spotting are possible. This is possible with infectious diseases, erosion of the cervix. Brown discharge in the last months of pregnancy can be signs of placenta previa. This happens if the placenta is located close to the cervix, low enough. The enlarged uterus disrupts the integrity of the vessels of the upper layers of the placenta and releases a small amount of blood. In such cases it is better to conduct a survey of the placenta on ultrasound.

If a woman has brownish discharge during pregnancy at a later date, it may depart from the mucous plug, which indicates an early birth. In such cases, the pregnant woman should immediately go to see a doctor, and if the abundant discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain, call an ambulance.

And most importantly - do not self-medicate, brownish discharge during pregnancy, a very serious threat to your pregnancy, so at their first appearance, immediately seek the advice of your gynecologist.