Slimming with 25 frames

The human eye perceives 24 frames, when we, for example, watch a movie. And the 25th frame remains beyond the field of vision, it is perceived only by our subconscious. That's why it produces such a hypnotic effect. Slimming with 25 frames arose after using the technique for promotional purposes. This use of the 25th frame is currently prohibited.

To date, the 25 frame system works not only for weight loss, but also helps people get rid of nicotine, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as from complexes and fears.

Operating principle

In this case, everything is simple: turn on the disk and work on the computer. But first of all, you need to think about the reasons for your excess weight, about what needs to be changed. Slimming program 25 frame will suggest you to make some affirmations , which you yourself should come up with. They will be unnoticeable to repeat during the program. To increase effectiveness, you can repeat these words before going to bed and after awakening.


Many would like that the effect of 25 frames for weight loss arose without the use of physical strength. This is what unsubstantiated sellers promise, and the more conscientious developers recommend charging or homework when the program is turned on.


Method 25 frame for weight loss involves three courses: 21 days of viewing, 7 days break and so three times. The effect will be felt after the first week.

The daily minimum of viewing is 1 hour. This number can be divided into 15-20 minute approaches.

The advantage of the program is that your brain itself will give the necessary commands to lose weight, and you will lose just as much weight as it really is necessary for health. The reason for weight gain, which usually has a psychological character, will be eliminated.