Review of the book "Super Paper" by Lydia Krook

Looking for ways to entertain a child, buying mountains of toys, downloading new games for tablets and phones, including channels with endless cartoons, we, the parents, sometimes forget what we ourselves were doing from childhood, what games we had. And after all, we managed with the most primitive improvised means - the stick was a gun, the leaves of the trees - with money, sand pies - with pies, and how much interesting could be invented with a simple piece of paper, glue and scissors. But, having grown up, hardly each of us will remember how to make an airplane from paper, a New Year paper garland or to lay down a crane.

Therefore, when I got a new book from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", I was sincerely happy. So, the book of the British artist and designer-designer Lydia Krook "Super Paper", first published in Great Britain under the name Paper Play, and now translated and released from us.

The quality and content of the book

I will say right away that the book is a big album with a tight white paper in A4 paperback. The quality of offset printing, as always in the books "Myth", at the height. The most important thing inside is a collection of games, crafts, tricks and many interesting things on 110 pages. That is, every leaf of the book is a separate fascinating lesson with instruction. I'll tell you in more detail. From sheets of paper you can make such articles:

And that's not it! The child is invited to paint, paint, tear, twist, pierce the leaf, making the "starry sky", crumble the ball, punch and check the strength, make symmetrical figures and show focus, climbing through the sheet.

Our impressions

The book really liked my child, every evening we sit down and perform one of the tasks. Of course, it will soon end and we will have only a cover from it. But the ideas of this book can be reproduced on other sheets, coming up with new games. And most importantly, what gives "Super Paper" - the opportunity to develop, fantasize, see a miracle in a simple white sheet.

From the minuses of the book I will note only a couple of uncritical moments.

First, the sheets of paper are quite dense, and some crafts for the child are difficult to do (but it's about my son for 4 years). For example, cut a snowflake from a folded sheet several times. But for most other games, of course, such a paper is suitable.

Second, it is difficult to separate the sheets from the book, it was better to make them tear-off, with a perforated stitch, like in children's drawing books.

I would recommend this book "Super Paper" for preschool and primary school children, as well as parents who do not know what to do with a child.

Tatiana, content manager, mother of a 4-year-old fantasy.