Pine cones (tincture on vodka) - medicinal properties

Cones, like other components of pine (needles, buds, pollen) have a unique composition. They are rich in all kinds of active substances. They contain:

The use of pine cones on vodka is explained by the fact that the beneficial substances of pine cones in alcoholic infusions are best preserved.

Collection of cones for tincture

To prepare tinctures of pine cones on vodka, immature (young), but already formed cones, are collected. Herbalists recommend carefully examining the tree from which the cone is taken. It should not hurt, be damaged by insects. In addition, collect pine cones, like any other natural raw materials, better away from highways and industrial centers.

Cones should be such that they can be easily cut with a knife. They are collected, as a rule, in late summer, when they are almost ripe, but have not yet been revealed.

Scope of tincture of pine cones on vodka

When stroke occurs, injury and disintegration of brain cells. This disease develops very quickly, and for the relief of the consequences requires intensive medication. Phytotherapy is involved already at the stage of rehabilitation of the patient. Using pine cones, which contain a large amount of tannins, restorative therapy is more rapid. There is evidence that, using tincture of cones of pine on vodka, it was possible to improve coordination of movements, to restore speech of the patient.

In addition, the infusion of pine cones on vodka has the property of destroying pathogenic microbes. The phytoncides contained in young pine cones destroy even such aggressive bacteria as Koch's rod, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Therefore tincture of cones is used during treatment of protracted cough, catarrhal diseases, bronchitis.

Contained in pine cones, vitamins (C, E, A, B6, B1, B12, etc.) stimulate the immune system, activate the regeneration of cells, including brain cells. Essential oil improves metabolism, due to which the body as a whole is rejuvenated. One of the most popular means of traditional medicine is a tincture of pine cones on vodka.

Tincture of pine cones on vodka



In order to make an infusion of pine cones on vodka, the cones should be thoroughly rinsed under cold running water, cut into four parts, placed in dark glassware and filled with vodka. Within two weeks the corked bottle should stand in a cool dark place (not in the refrigerator!). In this case every day, you can and several times a day, the mixture must be shaken. Ready tincture is filtered. Take one spoon after eating two or three times a day. It is recommended to be used throughout the treatment period and as a prophylactic, but not more than six consecutive months.


Tincture of pine cones on vodka has its contraindications. Do not use infusion for chronic kidney disease, hepatitis and during pregnancy.