Rhinitis in the child - the main causes, treatment options for the ailment

The appearance of snot in children causes a lot of trouble for parents. After all, this symptom is very unpleasant and uncomfortable for kids, because it brings a lot of negative emotions. Runny nose in a child is not always easy to cure, as the causes of this ailment are different, therefore the solution of this problem should be appropriate.

Causes of a cold in children

The onset of a runny nose occurs as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Starting any treatment, you should identify the cause of the appearance of snot. They can arise due to hypothermia, viral infections, too much over-dried air in the house. An allergic rhinitis in a child occurs very often at a certain time of the year. To find out more precisely, for what reason snot appeared in the child, it is necessary to visually inspect them.

Thick green snot in a child

If a child's green snot is found, the cause is bacteria. When they die, the mucus secretions have such a color. If they are slightly greenish and come out of the nose without difficulty, then this indicates the end of the viral disease. Observing dense green discharge, while accompanied by an unpleasant odor, it is worthwhile to worry. This sign indicates active fight against bacteria in the body and if not help, it can go into diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis and others.

White snot in a child

Watching the white snot in a child, what does it mean, is not always easy to understand at once. When there are no other symptoms and excrement thick, then it can talk about allergies. A runny nose in a child with white secretions suggests that the treatment for ARVI has not passed at the proper level and complications have remained. Particularly foamy discharge is an indication that there is a chronic disease of the ENT organ.

Yellow thick snot in the child

Some parents ignore the runny nose in the child at the initial stage, which in the future can leave serious complications. Yellow snot in a child, causes and treatment can be more accurately determined by the attending physician. Consider the main ones:

Without consulting a specialist at this stage, the infection can spread further in the body, which will lead to serious consequences.

Brown snot in a child

A runny nose in a child with such secretions indicates the presence of blood in them. In the nasal mucosa there are a lot of blood vessels that can burst due to improper bleeding, mechanical damage or foreign body. The latter is often observed among young children who, out of curiosity, can shove a small object into the nose. Purulent snot in the child also have a brown color and an unpleasant smell. In this case, the baby should immediately show the doctor and take appropriate measures.

Transparent snot in a child

At the initial stages of the viral disease, many mothers are worried about the question of why the baby's snot is flowing, the temperature has risen. Such symptoms are a consequence of the onset of acute respiratory infections, therefore it is necessary to take appropriate measures without panic. Protected against the effects of the virus, the mucous membrane constantly releases a clear liquid, preventing its spread in the body.

Transparent snot, which is accompanied by such symptoms as frequent sneezing, tear eyes, swelling of the mucous membranes, speak of an allergic reaction. Before starting treatment, you should find the source and eliminate contact with the allergen. They can become dust, fluff, pet hair, flower pollen. Overdried air in the apartment can also provoke a runny nose.

Treatment of a cold in children quickly and effectively

Having identified the cause of such an unpleasant symptom, one should immediately start treating the disease. Every responsible parent should be aware of what to wash your nose with a child with a cold. After all, if you take all the measures in time, then this will prevent all complications. In addition to the therapy itself, it is important to create the right conditions for the body to fight infection:

Drops from the common cold in children

If the baby's nose is clogged and can not blow a nose, rinse it with saline. This will help the accumulated mucus with ease to retire. Get rid of the edema and help breathe more easily the vasoconstrictor from the common cold for children. Pediatricians prescribe drugs such as Otrivin, Naftizin, Vibrocil and others. They are allowed to use no more than a week, because in the future the body gets used to the drug.

Inhaler for children from cough and cold

Many parents are thinking about buying an inhaler that can significantly alleviate the symptoms of viral diseases. It is not necessary to try to carry out the inhalation baby yourself at a cold with a nebulizer, prescriptions for children should be prescribed only by the attending physician. The independent conduct of this procedure without consultation can lead to serious consequences. Depending on different cases, saline, mineral alkaline water or the following medicines are prescribed for inhalations, which will need to be diluted with saline solution:

Folk remedies for the common cold for children

In the fight against the beginning rhinitis in crumbs, folk methods of treatment will become an effective assistant:

  1. Kalanchoe from the cold to children. After thoroughly washing the leaf of this plant, squeeze out its juice and drip 2-3 drops. The plant has antibacterial properties, which favorably contributes to the fight against microbes. After instillation the baby begins to sneeze often, so that all accumulated mucus is easily removed.
  2. Eucalyptus oil. This remedy will soothe the nasal mucosa, improve breathing and discharge will become less. Recommended for 1-2 drops three times a day.
  3. Aloe and honey. Aloe leaf is good to wash and squeeze out the juice. Add honey in the same amount. Drip this remedy spout a few drops at night.
  4. Kalina. Freshly squeezed juice of berries can be dripped spout to the baby thrice a day for 2-3 drops. At night brew tea from the viburnum, which promotes the rise of immunity.

The baby does not have a runny nose

Faced with such a nuisance as a protracted runny nose in a child, how to treat it correctly, parents will be able to understand only after finding out the cause. Often, improper treatment contributes to long-term symptoms. The abuse of vasoconstrictive drops can lead to addiction and, as a result, a long recovery. Such drugs can be used, clearly observing the dosage and in cases of nasal breathing. Treatment of a viral disease with antibiotics also leads to a protracted process of recovery. When the blame for a prolonged runny nose is an allergic reaction, you can completely get rid of the disease only by eliminating the allergen.

As a rule, the treatment of a protracted runny nose is aimed at improving the immunity of the baby. He should give to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink herbal teas. The apartment should have favorable conditions for recovery. Do not allow the mucous membrane of the nozzle to be parched. It should be rinsed periodically with saline. Acquire any medication should be consulted with a doctor and only after identifying the cause of the disease.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold? Fresh air contributes to the moistening of the respiratory tract, thanks to this, breathing is greatly improved. When the cold is not accompanied by other severe symptoms, and the weather is fine on the street, the walks will only benefit. It is not necessary to lead the kid to where there is a large crowd of people, because the immunity is still weak, and there is a chance of catching a new disease.

Can I bathe my baby with a cold? There is no unequivocal opinion on this issue. However, the absence of temperature, weakness and other unpleasant signs of the disease, allows you to carry out the bathing procedure, but under certain conditions:

It is useful to add sea salt or herbs of medicinal herbs to the bath. Frequent bathing is not recommended for the reason that not only various toxins are washed away from the skin, but also useful microorganisms that protect the body from external influences.