Games at home

The game - a great way to not only take a child, but also in a playful, unobtrusive way to teach him a new way, to develop his speech, to contribute to the development of logical abilities. But what games can you play at home?

Children's home games "for every day"

"What is missing?"

Material. Crockery, cutlery, vegetables, fruit 3-4 pieces.

Rules. 1. Clearly tell what did not happen. 2. Do not spy when the toy is hidden.

The course of the game. On the table, the objects are laid out, the child calls them and remembers them. Now he must turn away or leave the room. The adult hides the object. The child returns, examines the items and reports, for example: "There is not enough fruit, this fruit is an apple" or "There is not enough cutlery, it is called a" knife ".

"What am I doing?"

Rules. Gestures, expressively portray your plans.

The course of the game. Mom or presenter informs the child: "Now I will show that I'm doing something, and you have to guess what it is." Then mama takes a spoon and pretends to "eat". The child joyfully guesses: "I know, you eat!". Now the child thinks, the adult's task is to figure out what kind of activity he portrays.

Home outdoor games

Cat and Mouse

This game is suitable for a large children's company, it can be used as a home birthday game.

The course of the game. Children take their hands and become in a circle, and two "cat" (boy) and "mouse" (girl) become in the middle of the circle. When children raise their hands up the "mouse" should try to slip away from the cat. Saving the mouse, the children lower their arms when the cat runs after it.


The presenter is blindfolded, put on the threshold, all the other children are hiding in different parts of the room and try to move silently, so that the leader does not guess where they are. The leader starts to catch and the one whom he will catch, himself must become the lead.

Home game for girls

«I Wear a Doll»

Material. Large dolls and various sets of clothes, one of which can be combined with each other, while others are not.

The course of the game. Mom hangs out the clothes of the dolls and turns to the child. "Look, how many dolls have beautiful clothes. Let's put them on. " When the child agrees, Mom continues: "Let's put your green skirt on your doll, look how you think, that blue blouse is coming up to her?" Mother's task is to push the child to choose the right combination.

Home Games for Boys

«Skittles from bottles»

(The game is suitable for those parents who realized what pleasure the boys are getting at the target, but who has not yet had time to purchase a suitable set of plastic or wooden pins.)

Material. Plastic bottles filled with water, and a fairly heavy ball that can overturn these bottles.

The course of the game. Arrange water-filled plastic containers and try to knock down as many self-made "pins" as possible.

"My fleet"

Material: pieces of styrofoam, paper, cardboard, nutshell, and also large capacity, filled with water, watering can, cereals.

The course of the game. The child is encouraged to transport ships from one shore to another. At the same time, it can be hindered by rain (use a watering can with a nozzle to dissipate water), and wind and hail (cereals).

Home games for teenagers

For children of adolescence, home board games are most interesting. This will require auxiliary material, such as maps, chess, checkers, bones. To play games in the family circle, you can buy games that are played on the field, such as "Pandemic", "Monopoly", "Dixit". Games at home - a good alternative to family time in front of the TV, not only for children, but also for adults.