Aphthous stomatitis in children

"Take your fingers off your mouth" - how many times a day caring parents repeat this phrase to their curious baby, who is also trying to taste the objects and toys surrounding him. And it's not about good manners and proper upbringing, just adults are trying to protect their child from such misfortune as insidious children's stomatitis.

What is this disease, what are its manifestations and methods of treatment? Let us dwell on these exciting issues in more detail.

The first symptoms of aphthous stomatitis in children

If you notice that your child has become too capricious and whiny, refuses to eat, he has a runny nose or cough, fever has risen and lymph nodes have increased - look at his mouth. The condition of the mucous mouth of the baby will dispel your conjectures and assumptions. As a rule, in children with aphthous stomatitis on the gums and cheeks, under the tongue, sometimes in the sky, grayish-yellow plaques with a red border, the so-called aphthae, are clearly visible. In the first days after infection, aphthae look just like small red dots, as the disease develops, the sores grow filled with purulent contents, then break through. Eruptions cause crumbs pain, it hurts to eat and talk, there is a profuse salivation. In the absence of proper treatment, aphthous stomatitis in young children acquires a chronic form. Therefore it is extremely important at first to establish a correct diagnosis and prescribe a therapy.

Adequate treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children

The first help to the patient is reduced to the disinfection of ulcers (you can treat the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, furacilin, chlorhexidine). At the same time, antihistamine and antipyretic drugs are used. If it turned out that the causative agents of the disease were viral agents, the doctor can prescribe antiviral medications. Also, with aphthous stomatitis, vitamin complexes and special solutions are shown to promote wound healing (most often doctors recommend a solution of citral and other preparations with propolis). They should be treated with mucosa after the healing process begins.

It is worth noting that aphthae can disappear on their own even if there is no therapy , usually it takes several weeks. However, such inaction is fraught with the fact that the insidious aphthous stomatitis will acquire a chronic form that does not respond to treatment.