Ginseng root

Perhaps the most popular among the traditional medicine is the ginseng root, which the Chinese call the "root of life". Today the supplier of this raw material for pharmaceuticals is South Korea, although the plant can be found in the Far East. Consider the characteristics of this drug and find out how to use the root of ginseng in those or other diseases.

Composition of ginseng root

Healing properties of the plant are due to the content in it of a wide range of nutrients. "Root of Life" is a storehouse of vitamins B and C, folic, pantothenic and nicotinic acids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, zinc and other trace elements.

The ginseng root also contains:

The scientists managed to find out that the extract of the ginseng root by pharmacological properties differs little from the preparations prepared from the ground part of the plant, which means that the ginseng foliage is underestimated.

By the way, in the eastern countries, roots are eaten as an ingredient of spicy dishes.

Benefits and harm of ginseng root

Preparations based on this plant are used as an adaptogen, that is - a substance that increases the body's resistance to harmful chemical, biological and physical factors. Eastern medicine especially reveres the root of ginseng, claiming that it helps to preserve youth and gain longevity.

However, in traditional medicine this raw material also has a good reputation: tincture of ginseng root is prescribed to patients after operations, as well as to athletes who are facing important competitions.

It is found out that the plant adjusts the work of the central nervous system and the brain, improves cellular respiration and gas exchange, eliminates neuroses and psychoses.

Dentists prescribe tincture for mouthwash for various kinds of inflammation: it is believed that the ginseng root also has disinfectant properties. The root itself is useful for chewing healthy teeth.

Apply ginseng and in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It was found that it improves the secretion of bile, normalizes blood sugar level.

Although there is an opinion that it is possible to take drugs from the "root of life" systematically without harm to health, this issue should be discussed with the doctor, because ginseng has a high biological activity. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to its use.

In the fight against alopecia often apply shampoo with the root of ginseng, which also has a strengthening effect. The reaction to such drugs is strictly individual, and sometimes manifests itself in the form of seborrhea: the hair becomes very greasy, dandruff appears. In this case, the therapeutic shampoo should be discarded.

How to take ginseng root?

The dosage of the drug, whether it is a ginseng root in capsules, an extract or a tincture, should be chosen by the doctor. For prevention, as a rule, the drug is taken once or twice a day for half an hour before a meal in the amount of twenty drops. A month and a half later it is necessary to make at least four weeks break.

As a medicine, tincture is drunk at 30-40 drops per day, but without the doctor's approval, this should not be done.

Contraindications to the use of ginseng root

Use of preparations based on ginseng can not be done during pregnancy and acute respiratory infections. In general, tincture or extract is taken only after the acute phase of the disease, that is, at the stage of recovery. It is unacceptable to take ginseng with high blood pressure and hypertension.