Soothing means for children

Unfortunately, not only adults are exposed to stresses. The children's psyche also suffers from various factors. By the way, birth itself is the first strong stress for a child. Adaptation to the kindergarten team, school, parents quarrels can lead to the child becoming closed and tense. He may be haunted by nightmares or restless sleep. In addition, many babies are born hyperactive and any event that goes beyond daily routine leads them into a state of extreme excitability. In response to complaints of mothers, pediatricians often recommend sedatives. But what kind of soothing it is for children and whether it will bring harm - that's what excites all parents.

Children's sedatives

Very often children of any age who need mental and emotional relief, prescribe glycine tablets. This is the name of the amino acid, which improves brain function, helps to reduce the excitability of the body and improve sleep.

Soothing drops for children are also popular. To remove irritability, normalize sleep and raise the mood will help the drop "Bayu-bai" , which includes peony extract, hawthorn extract, peppermint extract, motherwort extract, oregano extract, citric acid, glutamic acid. The only thing is to take this drug from the age of 5.

With neurological disorders, psychological stresses, "Epam 1000" drops are effective. They are also made from extracts of herbs (valerian, rhodiola rosea, motherwort, propolis, etc.). Their action is based on the restoration of the structure of the nervous tissue. The drug can be used as a sedative for a teenager, especially with depressive states and aggressive behavior.

Light psychoemotional disorders, arising, for example, when adapting to a new team, can be eliminated with a soothing syrup for children "Bunny" . Based on fructose, it does not cause allergic reactions.

A very popular soothing for newborns is the tea called Humana, which is called "Sweet dreams" . This remedy is allowed from the second week of the baby's life. Tea is produced in the form of granules made from an extract of lime blossom, lemon balm, thyme and mallow. To effective soothing teas for children are also granulated HIPP. Such teas, as Babushkino Lukoshko, Bebivita, are packed in the form of bags with crushed herbs. You can apply them from 6 months. All described children's teas contain no preservatives, dyes and sugar and are completely safe. They are effective in children's capriciousness and restless sleep.

A wide application has been received by homeopathic sedatives for children, which have a mild sedative effect and give a quiet sleep. Preparations "Valerianakeel" and "Dormickind" from HEEL are suitable even for the smallest. Older children are appointed "Notta" from Bittner . To calm and ease the pain with teething will help homeopathic soothing candles "Viburkol" from HEEL .

Soothing herbs for children

Some parents do not trust drugs and decide to eliminate the restless state of their beloved child with phytotherapy. Prepare a collection of soothing for children is not at all difficult. It is necessary to buy components in the pharmacy or to collect it yourself. It can consist of such grasses: 2 parts of wheat grass, licorice, althea roots and 1 part of chamomile and fennel fruits should together make up 2 tablespoons. They pour a glass of boiling water and put on the fire for 20 minutes. This broth is given to the child before going to bed. Strong sleep will provide soothing baths for children with sea salt and broths of lemon balm, chamomile, pine needles, lavender.

And most importantly: in many cases, to overcome anxiety, the child has enough parental love and care. Be attentive to your children!