Wide sweater

With the return of the 80s-90s fashion and grunge style designers again offer voluminous and wide sweaters in the shoulders. This style implies a relaxed image, free volumes, oversize sizes and layering. A fashionable autumn sweater is a knitted cardigan with a high and wide collar. A narrow collar-stand is relevant only in basic turtlenecks. In the seasonal wardrobe should be present not so much basic sweaters of fine wool, how many long and textured, with a mandatory wide throat.

What to wear a sweater with?

When creating sets with a cozy knitted oversize it is recommended to take into account the proportions of the whole image. This means that only one object must be voluminous, and the rest remain neutral or narrow. Stylists advise with what to wear a fashionable sweater:

A feature of modern styling in clothes is to wear a sweater over a shirt or T-shirt, so that they can be seen. A high collar does not need to be carefully wrapped around your neck, even more important is leaving it standing with natural cracks.

Fashionable women's sweater

If you want to enhance the femininity of the kit, add active in color or shape accessories that will attract attention to you. To complement the fashion image to a wide knitted sweater bags of hard forms will perfectly suit. Any accessories and elements with geometric lines will lead away from the sport, but will emphasize the concentration and harmony.