Physalis: cultivation

By the flower garden on the windowsills all long accustomed, well, what is so special in the army pots with green or flowering plantations. It is quite another matter - a dacha or vegetable garden near a private house. For some reason, it is suggested to us from childhood that the land on the plot should be used only for useful edible crops, and all the rest is pampering. Let's try to argue with this statement, having planted at least instead of the same parsley physalis, growing and caring for which is not more difficult than for any other country's breadwinner.

Physalis: growing near the house or at the cottage

But before we start talking about how to grow physalis, let's get acquainted with him a little. This native comes from the tropical and subtropical zones of the central and southeastern parts of the United States. There are a lot of physical forms, there are among them giants up to a meter, and crumbs that do not exceed 30 cm. But the most common types of Physalis colors are the common and physalis of Francais or the Chinese lantern. Franche, because this was the name of the French botanist who first studied this plant. A Chinese lantern - because of the shape and color of the fruit, very reminiscent of the mentioned object. In many countries, the philisel of the Franche variety has even become a symbol of Christmas and the New Year. The flowers of the physalis are small and white, like small stars or snowflakes. In summer green they look unusual and original.

How to grow a Physalis?

And now we'll see how to cultivate the Physalis. First, the soil for our nightshade should consist of humus, last year's manure, sand and ash. Phisalis flowers are unpretentious to light and humidity, but still the place for their planting is better to choose with good lighting and high-quality drainage. Well, acidic soils must necessarily be lime or sprinkled with baking soda.

Secondly, it is better to use fertilizers in the complex, and to carry out top dressing at least three times per season. The first time during flowering, the second - when tying fruit. And the third - after 14-21 days after the second. Fizalis can be fertilized either with a croissant in a consistency of 1x20, or with a mullet 1x10, or with a complex shop composition in which nitrogen is excluded. For one plant should be poured 0, 5 liters of liquid fertilizer.

Third, watering. Physalis does not like excessive dampness, but also dies in a drought. If the summer periodically spoils with rain, then watering is not more often than 1 time a week. In a hot and dry period - every other day. In the mid-to-late August, watering is stopped to allow the fruits to ripen.

Otherwise, the cultivation of physalis involves loosening and weeding, tying of large specimens for better stability and pinching the tops for the growth of larger fruits. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to grow the Physalis is not so complicated. A little patience, and in your summer cottage will play with New Year's color Chinese lanterns.