Flower male happiness - care at home, all the features of successful growing

A collection of green pets will decorate the flower with man's happiness, home care after him requires special care. Its large bright bract has the shape of a human heart of snow-white, pink, crimson or yellow color, in the center is decorated with a long cob.

Flower of man's happiness - how to care?

Room flowers male happiness when nursing at home in March bloom and pleasing with flowering 7-8 months. With proper care, they can grow up to 0.8 cm in height and reach 0.5 cm in diameter. Flower male happiness - competent care at home:

  1. At the time of flowering, eliminate bright light and direct rays. In summer the bush should stand in a shaded place without drafts. In winter, on the contrary, the flower needs excellent lighting to gain strength - it is put on a sunny window sill.
  2. The ideal temperature of the content is + 18-20 ° C.
  3. The flower loves moisture, it is recommended that it be moistened daily from the spray gun so that droplets of water fall only on the leaves.

What is the name of the flower male happiness?

In the people, " anthurium flower" was called "male happiness". It is customary to present it to a strong half of humanity. According to beliefs, this culture embodies courage, freedom, love for a woman. Anthurium or indoor flower man's happiness has other names - "fucking tongue", "pig tail", "flower-flamingo". But these names are not very accustomed. Often an anturium is called "male happiness", even there is a belief that success in a man's dwelling, where he grows, is fortunate;

How to water a flower for man's happiness?

When you care for a flower, male happiness watering does not need to be done too often. In winter, it is moistened once a week, in the summer - every 4 days. Watering should not be generous, without stagnation of moisture, otherwise it will lead to decay of the rhizome, which will manifest as the blackening of the foliage. If you stop watering the plant and dry the soil, it can still be saved. But do it right away, as soon as the ends of the leaves of the flower began to turn black. This room culture suffers badly hard water, only recruited from a water tap - it must be protected, otherwise the blooming may not come.

How to transplant a flower male happiness?

Flower transplantation male happiness at home is produced in spring once in 1-2 years. To do this, you need a short wide pot with draining holes, since the root culture system is very branched. The flowerpot is chosen according to the plant and should not be large, otherwise it will not be good for flowering. Anthurium transplantation at home is a complex operation, it must be done in jewelry, so as not to break down the tender roots and leaves. Care - handling rules:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, drainage is laid, so that the roots do not rot while wetting.
  2. When transshipment, the old plant, together with the clod of earth, is sent to a new pot and sprinkled with soil.

Flower male happiness - what kind of soil is needed?

Anthurium at home care as a substrate is suitable for the composition of coarse, leafy, fibrous airy ground of turf and particles of moss moss, bark, and wood ash. Such a composition restrains moisture well and is close to natural. The root system needs air, so the soil for the flower is a man's happiness should be loose. To make a transshipment, you do not have to prepare the mixture yourself, you can purchase a land for orchids in a specialized store.

Flower of man's happiness - how to multiply?

Anthurium reproduces by the following options:

  1. Flower of man's happiness - reproduction of stems with a leaf. This method is the simplest, it can be used with each transplant to update the plant. Several lateral shoots with roots and foliage from the mother's bush are separated and planted in a prepared container with suitable soil.
  2. Cuttings. For the reproduction of male happiness, twigs are 15-20 cm long and plant them in separate temporary containers with vermiculite to a depth of 5 cm. After a month the cuttings become roots and can be planted in a prepared pot with soil.
  3. Seeds. To form seeds, a cotton disc pollination is produced by the inflorescence. The ripe fruit is removed with tweezers, it ripens for 8 months. Seeds are removed, washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and are sown on a perlite tier. They are pressed into the substrate by the bottom of the can, and the container is covered with a film. Seedlings appear after a few weeks. A young sprout with a pair of leaves dives into a mixture of leaf land, coal of wood, mullein and peat, taken in equal parts. As they grow - they move into more spacious vessels.

Flower man's happiness - how to care to bloom?

Often the anthurium blooms almost all year round, resting only in the winter months. If there was a problem: why the flower does not bloom for man's happiness, then, when cultivating the plant, some recommendations for caring are not taken into account. Basic tips to provide a bush of lush budding:

  1. Male happiness should be transplanted regularly, at least once every 2 years.
  2. During the transplant, it is better to plant the shoots by dividing the bush.
  3. The culture pot is selected in accordance with the size of its root system.
  4. It is important to choose the right soil - with humus, particles of moss, charcoal, bark, so that the roots of the plant are well provided with oxygen.
  5. Competent watering and mineral make-up are mandatory.
  6. Bloomed buds must be cut with sharp scissors at the base.
  7. It does not allow the blossoming of male happiness both as a flaw and as a surplus of sunlight. It is important to observe the lighting conditions of the flower: in the summer - shading in the sun, in winter - additional illumination.
  8. Help an anthurium to flow will help top-dressing in the form of liquid fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus for flowering crops - Ideal , Ovary, Bud. Add the soil acidity can be poured into a pot of coniferous needles. Calcium in the fertilizer should not be.

How to feed the flower of man's happiness?

To make the plant happy with lush foliage and bright flowering, it needs additional make-up. Top dressing of the flower of man's happiness is made in the period of active growth - in spring and summer. To do this, use mineral and organic make-up with a low content of calcium and nitrogen. Do this every two weeks, periodically alternating solutions. You can buy additional fertilizer in the flower shop intended for this species, use the instructions. From September to February, the flower begins a period of rest, at this time the feeding is stopped.

The flower of man's flower is dying - what to do?

Although the plant is fastidious, it does not often get sick. The flower is a man's happiness, home care is not performed properly, the flowers can blossom little, the leaves are covered with dark spots, the tips of the plates dry. Yellowness on greenery is an indicator that a domestic pet receives little light. Darkening of the plates suggests that the culture is cold. Often a flower begins to die if there are problems with roots or in too hard soil. How to revive the flower of man's happiness:

  1. Carefully remove the bush from the pot, cut off rotten and dead roots (brown or yellow), leave light and fleshy roots.
  2. The flower should be planted in new soil, mixed with charcoal, moss and bark.
  3. The dried leaves must be cut off, regularly spraying the ground part of the bush with a growth biostimulator, for example, Kendal.
  4. During the reanimation period, the pet should be pampered with mineral make-up.