Tracheitis in children - symptoms

The inflammatory process in the trachea is called tracheitis. People of all ages can be ill with it, but most often the disease is diagnosed in children, especially preschool age. In many cases, the disease is a form of ARVI and is accompanied by laryngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis. The prognosis of the disease is favorable, but with the condition of timely application for medical assistance.

Causes of tracheitis in a child

The disease can have a different nature, both infectious and non-infectious. It is worth highlighting the reasons that can cause this ailment:

Tracheitis symptoms in a child

Each mother needs to know the main features of the manifestation of this disease, so that when the first symptoms you need to see a doctor. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

The onset of the disease is similar to the development of a viral infection. The child has a fever, a runny nose, a cough. The kid complains of a headache, weakness. There is also a perspiration in the throat.

The main symptoms of tracheitis in children are cough, which has distinctive features:

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the symptoms of allergic tracheitis in children. This form is characterized by persistent flow and constant exacerbation. Most often this type of malaise occurs at normal temperature. But parents can note the deterioration of the overall well-being of the baby. He becomes capricious, poorly eats, complains of weakness. A blood test usually shows an increase in eosinophils.

In this case, it is important to identify the source of an allergic reaction. It can be house dust, fish food.

Complications of tracheitis in children are rare. But the disease is dangerous for the youngest, because they have not developed a cough reflex and they can not cough well. In this case, the disease can go to bronchopneumonia, and also become complicated by respiratory failure.

Treatment of tracheitis

The doctor should prescribe therapy. It is usually recommended to take antiviral and antihistamines. If the disease has a bacterial nature, then prescribe antibiotics. The doctor may prescribe antitussive or expectorant drugs, inhalations.

It is important to keep the room moist, regularly cleaned, ventilated. Many mothers understand how important fresh air is for the baby's health. Therefore, parents have a question, can you walk with tracheitis in a child. Useful walks at the stage of recovery, when the baby is on the mend. It is better to give up walking during a period of fever, when a child suffers from a painful cough.