Rules of etiquette and good manners

Every girl wants to be an exquisite lady with a decent lifestyle. Many believe that for this it is enough to monitor the appearance, each season to update the wardrobe, get higher education and find an aristocratic circle of communication. But all this will be meaningless if you do not know the rules of female etiquette. Of course, grooming and fashionable clothes will tell a lot about you, but in fact a cultured person gives out good manners first of all. This article is devoted to the actual issue, why etiquette is needed and what rules should first be learned.

The lessons of etiquette and good manners

In our time, simplicity and naturalness is appreciated. Respect yourself, and boldly show pure and bright emotions to others. Open, cultured and good-natured people always attract the attention of others. You must be polite, reserved and friendly towards everyone. Always give way to the elderly and pregnant women, hold the door for the one who follows you, and also do not crowd around the public transport doors.

Learn to control your actions both in society and people, and alone with yourself. Try to keep your posture, speak correctly and legibly, and walk gracefully. Even in a home setting, you should be well dressed and combed.

Manners of etiquette must first be traced at the table. To learn the rules of serving is not so difficult, do everything with taste and beauty.

Rules of etiquette for women

  1. Every self-respecting girl always covers her hand with her hand when yawning or coughing, the same goes for sneezing.
  2. Never put the bag on your knees, it is better to place it on the back of the chair or put it on the floor.
  3. Forget about cellophane bags in everyday life, this does not apply only to shopping trips.
  4. According to the etiquette in the room you can not remove the hat and gloves, but you need to remove the hat and mittens necessarily.
  5. Secular conversation - this is not a place for gossip, as well as issues related to politics, religion and health.
  6. At conferences and official events, you need to sit up straight, not resting on anything.
  7. Do not forget about modesty and sense of proportion.
  8. A real lady will never imitate anyone. To copy someone's image is the height of indecency.

Self-improvement of his upbringing has always been considered fashionable. To be cultured externally and internally is possible only with the desire and self-control. Do not forget the simple truth - what we are, this and our life!