Than to deduce stains from tea?

Everyone loves spending time with a cup of fragrant tea, but the mood can be spoiled if it spills on clothes or tablecloth . However, this trouble seems only a minor misunderstanding, if you know what to remove stains from tea.

How to remove a stain from tea brewing: effective ways

In tea brewing, tannin is present - tannin, which instantly and deeply eats up in the fabric fibers. Fresh dirt is usually easily washed with a detergent in the usual way. If you do not immediately have the opportunity to wash the clothes, we recommend using the following recommendations how to remove stains from green and black teas:

Useful advice to housewives

In order not to spoil the thing stained with brewing, try not to wash it in hot water, as the stain can get even deeper into the fabric. If it is necessary to clean the colored fabric, be sure to test the selected product in an inconspicuous area to ensure that it does not affect the color of the product.

To prevent divorce, apply a cleaning agent with a soft sponge or cotton pad first around the dirt, and then from its edges to the middle. Do not use a solution of strong concentration immediately, try to cope with the stain first by softer means.