Aloe - reproduction

Aloe, for sure, is available in every home, because it is considered a healing plant . Therefore it is not surprising the desire to grow a few aloe on the windowsill. However, you need to know how to multiply aloe. Fortunately, this is not at all difficult: the plant can be propagated by seeds, children, tops, leaves, cuttings. Let us dwell on each method in more detail.

Aloe: reproduction by children

The easiest way to multiply aloe - this is the so-called "children", that is, underground shoots that grow around the plant in a pot. They have their own roots, although they are connected with the rhizome of aloe. Therefore, the reproduction of aloe in children at home can be done during the spring transplant: releasing the flower from the ground, the baby is separated and transplanted into a separate pot.

Reproduction of aloe by cuttings

Cutting is also a simple way of reproduction of aloe. It is carried out, as a rule, in the spring or summer, when rooting passes best. Shoots of aloe must be cut into lengths of 10-12 cm. These cuttings should be dried for several days until the slices are dried. Then the place of the cut is covered with charcoal. Filling the container with moist sand, the cuttings are planted at a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 4 cm from each other. You often do not need to water the cuttings. In addition, do not spray, otherwise your cuttings will rot. When the cuttings appear roots, it is possible to plant young potted plants. To do this, prepare a mixture of turf, leaf land and sand in equal parts, you can add a little charcoal.

Aloe - leaf propagation

The method of reproduction by leaf is similar to cuttings. The stem should be carefully cut or torn off the leaf, leaving it for a few days in a dry place until the cut does not dry out. After processing the cut with charcoal, the sheet is inserted under the slope of the lower end into a pot of moist sand to a depth of 2-4 cm for rooting, at times watering.

How to propagate aloe vera top?

Cut off the top of the aloe with 5-7 leaves, it is put in a container of water until it gives roots. And if you leave for a few days to dry the cut, the top is planted in a peat-sand mixture at 4-5 cm depth before rooting.

Aloe propagation by seeds

This method of reproduction is used rarely. For its implementation, you need to buy the seeds of aloe in early spring and plant in a shallow container with soil consisting of equal parts of sod and leaf land, sand. The optimum room temperature is 20 ° C. Seedlings should often be sprayed. Do not interfere with finding under a fluorescent lamp. When there are sprouts, they are dived into individual pots of small size.