Pets that do not cause allergies

If the child expresses a desire to have a pet, you should not deny him. Animal care teaches children responsibility for a living being, discipline, makes them more kind. But it happens, and it is not uncommon that a baby can have an allergy. By the way, contrary to popular belief, what irritates the fur of cats or dogs, the same reaction is caused by saliva, urine and even perspiration, the particles of which remain first on the hair, and then on furniture and carpets. By the way, the allergy is not only unpleasant by its manifestations in the form of rashes and itching on the skin, a cold, sneezing, coughing. Often, sensitivity to animal hair is manifested by the appearance of suffocation and shortness of breath, which, in the end, leads to the development of asthma and a decrease in child immunity. That is why the animal will have to be isolated. And for a child who fell in love with his pet, separation from him often turns into a tragedy. To avoid such feelings and not to cause your child a psychological trauma, there is one option - to have a pet that does not cause the child to have an allergy. And we will talk about these younger brothers smaller.

Are there any animals that do not cause allergies in children?

If your child is prone to allergies caused by pets, this does not mean that there is no way out, and the baby does not have to keep a pet. If you want, you can try to have a pet, which, perhaps, will become a reliable and reliable friend for the baby.

  1. The Turtle . A great option for families with allergies. This reptile has no wool, no sweat, no saliva, but it's easy to care for. It is necessary to prepare a large box or other tank with sand. The only thing: often turtles are carriers of intestinal infection - salmonellosis. Therefore, after playing with the animal, the child must be taught to wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Bald cats are a sphinx . This hairless breed of cats can be kept for allergy sufferers. However, to avoid allergies caused by sweat, it is recommended to wash the animal frequently. By the way, such cats adore bathing. Before buying a sphinx, ask the child to play with the animal to check the sensitivity of the crumbs to the breed.
  3. Cat Devon Rex - also considered an excellent option for a pet with sensitivity to wool. Despite the presence of wool, it does not shed, so contact with wool is extremely rare.
  4. Chinchillas . These cute animals are recognized as hypoallergenic - they have neither sweat nor salivary glands. Many children like these mobile rodents, and they happily take care of these funny little animals.
  5. Bald guinea pigs. These rare breeds of guinea pigs (skinny, baldwin) can also be considered as a pet's option for a child. Care for them is exactly the same as for ordinary breeds, but they are not cheap compared to their coat covered with wool relatives.
  6. Hamster of the Syrian breed. With the contents of the rodent of the Syrian breed, allergies are rare, but still we recommend that you be attentive.
  7. Dogs of Bichon Frize breed. These friends have a very small amount of hair. True, it is rather dense, curly and dense, and therefore requires careful care. dog and infrequently cause allergies and such breeds of dogs as poodle, shepherd Yorkshire terriers, as they do not shed, and they do not form dandruff.

As you can see, the list of animals that do not cause allergies is quite long, which allows you to choose a pet for the baby. However, allergy doctors warn that if there is sensitivity in children to wool or animal products about the idea of ​​starting a pet is better to give up altogether. The fact is that the risk of allergy is always, and it can develop gradually and will manifest itself in six months or a year. And if the beloved has already become a close friend, separation from him will again become a trauma for a child.