Signs that you like a guy

Young people who have little experience with the opposite sex are often lost and do not know how to correctly assess the attitude of a particular person to themselves. In addition, representatives of different sexes in the same situation behave differently, which further complicates the state of things. But there are certain signs that you like the guy and it's worth to look at them in more detail.

7 signs that you like a guy

  1. Even if a young person is silent or very shy, he can always understand by his gestures how he treats you. If in most cases the body is deployed in your direction, the arms and legs are not crossed, and the view is open and friendly, then this can be regarded as a positive sign. In addition, in the presence of the girl he is interested in, the guy will always strive to show himself in a winning light: he will spread his shoulders and chest, as if by chance show voluminous muscles or other virtues. In addition, he will look for a way to be as close as possible to the object of desire: accidentally touch, attach, lean closer and something whisper in your ear, etc.
  2. To the first signs that you like a guy, you can refer to a change of image . This will manifest itself both in changing his appearance and style of behavior. Of course, he will try to look better: change his hair, get more model jeans, etc. In this case, his style will copy the style of the girl herself. For example, if she ignores the rules and conventions and prefers the sports style in clothes, then he will dress the same way.
  3. A shy guy will behave stupidly, carry some kind of nonsense, as Shurik does in the film "Delusion". Such people often use social networks as a way to show themselves: they send gifts, "classify" photos, etc. Well, the unbridled will use all their potential and knowledge to attract the attention of the person they are interested in: jotting an anecdote, playing the guitar, etc. And somebody will simply boast and boast of their merits.
  4. Those who are interested, what other signs there are that the guy likes you, it is worth replying that this is some obsequious attitude to the things of the girl and all that is associated with her. A handbag that has fallen into the hands of a guy, a pen or other thing will be carefully preserved, and he can fiddle with it, stroke, etc. He will be thrilled to treat everything that is dear to her and accompany her to the sports section, if she visits her, to be interested in flowers if she likes them, etc.
  5. Those who ask how to find out that you like a guy, you should pay attention to such a sign as real help. The young man in love will help the girl as far as her strength and capabilities are concerned: she will solve the problem, walk the dog, fix household appliances, and when she leaves she will take the garbage with her.
  6. To the signs that you like a person, you can include frequent "random" meetings. If you are from different social strata or just spend your free time in different places or companies, then do not be surprised if the guy starts to appear exactly where he likes to be interested in his girlfriend. Of course, he can come up with a bunch of excuses why he appeared here, but if this happens with an enviable regularity, then it's clearly in his sympathy for you.
  7. Well, the last sign is a look. Frank, a bit playful and mysterious - he can clearly point to the existing sympathy, but if the boy frankly looks at you and holds his gaze on the decollete and below, then he obviously has sexual interest.

There are such signs that you can rely on in assessing his motivation , and it's also useful to listen to your intuition - it will not let you down.