Stromant - leaf tips dry

Plants of the family of maranthocks are all without exception sissy. This applies to the stromant. Her attractive variegated leaves will only be the decoration of the room, when the conditions of this capricious beauty are met.

A common question for both seasoned and novice growers is why the stems dry leaves and what to do with it. The reasons are usually two: we try to understand them and help in solving a difficult question at first glance.

Why do leaf tips dry at the stromant?

The first and most important component of the successful development of the plant is the correctly selected soil. In nature, the stromant lives in the lower tier of the rainforest, where the soil consists of fallen fallen leaves of trees, because it is always sour.

To make the stromant feel well in the apartment, it will require a weakly acidic soil, as well as all the manantes. The ideal acidity, which is usually written on a package with soil, should be 4-5 pH. To make sure that the manufacturer is not cunning, you can buy special litmus strips in the store, through which you can determine the acidity of the soil for any plant.

The second most likely cause of spoilage is the low humidity of air and soil. What to do, if the leaves dry and fold at the stromant? As already mentioned, this plant comes from a subtropical forest, which means that if you try to create conditions close to natural, it will be a big plus.

Experienced growers know that the land should be almost constantly wet. No, the pot should not be wet, because overmoisture will certainly lead to decay of the roots. The best situation will be if the top layer of the earth dries slightly before the next watering.

The air temperature should not be too high - 23-25 ​​° C will be just right. But even if the temperature regime is observed, and the humidity is insufficient, then you will inevitably come across the drying of the tips of the leaves. The plant needs from 70 to 80% humidity of the ambient air. This can be done in several ways - spraying three times a day, the constant work of a household air humidifier or a simple grandfather's method, when a pot of stromant is put in a container with moist pebbles. Evaporation, water from the tank creates a sufficient greenhouse effect for the plant.

Drying the ends of the stromant can respond to cold drafts, which she does not like at all. The place on the windowsill is not the best for the plant. After all, in addition to airing, undesirable for the flower, there is too much bright light, which also harms. The best place for a stromant is a stand for flowers in the back of the room, where it lacks excess air movement and bright sun.