The vegetable garden on the windowsill is at once to the table!

Owners of garden plots in summer and autumn have no problems with fresh vegetables and greens. But what should they do in winter and spring, or if there is simply no such site? After all, the price of these products is greatly increased, and their quality is doubtful.

In this situation, you can grow vegetables, greens and even berries with fruits at home - to break up on your windowsill your mini-garden.

Before you start buying pots, land and seeds, you should determine what exactly you want to grow. Therefore, in the article we will consider which plants can be grown on the windowsill.

Which plants can be grown on a windowsill?


One of the most popular plants grown on a windowsill is the onion, as it is very easy to grow it. To do this, it is enough to plant the bulb in the pot with the ground and water it or put it in a jar of water and, as it grows, cut the green feathers. It should be borne in mind that onions should not be grown in winter, it is better to take chives, green feathers of which are very often used in salads.

To green shoots were juicier, the container with plantings should be daily lighted with a fluorescent lamp for 2 hours.

Dill and parsley

To have always fresh greens on the table, it is enough to sow it in an elongated box or pot, fill it with a thin layer of soil and water it through the day in the morning and in the evening. After the appearance of crops - watering cut (every other day). Cut greens can be after reaching 12-15 cm.


You can grow both bitter and sweet peppers. It is enough to grow seedlings from seeds, pass to a pot for 1-2 liters and put in a well-lit place. To look after it should be the same as for other indoor plants: moderately watered, during flowering to feed and timely harvest.


Cultivate better greenhouse self-pollinated varieties, such as Home, Indoor, Biryusa, Gribovsky. For this, the germinated seeds are planted in small cups to grow seedlings. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, it is transplanted into a pot (5 liters), in which it is necessary in advance to make holes for the outflow of water. To grow cucumbers it is recommended on the most illuminated window sills and it is obligatory to tie up after the appearance of 6 leaves. Cucumber will start to fruit after picking the top, which is recommended after the appearance of 12 leaves, otherwise the yield will be small. In case of insufficient lighting in the autumn-winter period, the cucumber will need additional lighting (most often use daylight lamps).


It is best to grow early-ripening varieties of tomatoes, unpretentious to lighting conditions, with a small bush and a simultaneous ripening of the fruit. These parameters are ideally suited for cherry tomatoes, which not only give a good harvest, but also are a decoration of the home interior.


For planting it is necessary to use seeds of early ripening varieties (Odessa, Lolo Rossa, Red credo), which can immediately be planted in fertile land. Very unpretentious to lighting conditions and location. To obtain a repeated crop, after cutting the leaves, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with mineral substances.

In the same way grown and watercress.

In addition to the listed vegetables and greenery on the windowsills, you can grow celery, rukkola, spinach, sheet mustard, radish.


Very many popular spices used in cooking can be grown in the garden on the windowsill: basil, mint, marjoram, dark, oregano, rosemary, sage. They can then be used both fresh and dried.


Fruit lovers can grow strawberries or exotic representatives on their windowsills: mandarin, lemon, pomegranate and avocado. But, unlike growing vegetables and greens, this is a longer and time-consuming process.

Having planted even a few green crops on your windowsill, you diversify and saturate the table with vitamins in the winter.