How to collect sea buckthorn from branches?

When summer comes to an end, it's time to harvest. During this period, the sea-buckthorn ripens. Everyone knows about the benefits of orange tree berries, so in the beginning of autumn they make sea buckthorn preparations for the winter - stewed fruit, jams, jelly , jam, wine , etc. Collecting the harvest of this tree is not an easy task, but we will tell you how easy it is to assemble the sea-buckthorn.

Harvest time

If you decide to make a compote of sea-buckthorn, then you can start harvesting at the end of August. It is at this time in the fruit contains ascorbic acid, which is useful for the body. But for jam and jam the early sea buckthorn does not fit. We need to wait for 2 - 3 weeks, give a little overripe, so that the berries become soft and easily separated from the stone.

How easy is it to assemble the sea buckthorn from the branches?

The sea-buckthorn juice is quite acrid. It has a bad effect on the skin, makes it dry. If you get on clothes - that spot you can hardly wash. That is why before harvesting you need to change into special clothes, and also wear gloves to not damage the skin of your hands. The process of collecting berries is very laborious and laborious. Gardeners have long thought of several ways to ease it, consider them in more detail:

  1. Manually . You, probably, have reflected on how manually to collect sea buckthorn. Of course, this can be done in a traditional way - right from the tree. It is necessary to manually separate the berries from the base, while trying not to put pressure on it. For convenience, you can utensils, in which you add the sea-buckthorn to bandage through the neck. This method takes a lot of time, and also forces.
  2. Frost . Let us share the secret of how best to manually assemble the sea-buckthorn. Cut the branches with the berries and put them for several hours in the freezer. Remember that the cut must be done correctly, otherwise damage the tree. After a while, remove the branches from the freezer and manually cut the berries. This will make it easier than with the tree itself. There is a minus of this method - the frozen berries harden hard, therefore they will be suitable only for compote.
  3. Homemade Cobra . Gardeners came up with special devices to collect quickly and easily sea buckthorn. One of them is Cobra. In order to make it you need a small wooden handle. On it, attach a wire and bend it into a shape that will resemble a candle flame. With sharp movements carry the wire along the fruit stalks of the berries, then they can easily separate from the tree.
  4. The "pipe" . This device is also home-made and will help you uncover the secret of how easy it is to assemble a sea-buckthorn. It is necessary to take a metal tube, wrap the tape and attach the package. The diameter of the tube should exceed the size of berries by 2-3 mm. The principle of action is the same - we conduct it sharply along the branch, cutting off the stems. In this case, the berries will roll down the tube into the bag, not to the ground, which guarantees their integrity.
  5. Table devices . You still do not know how to assemble a sea-buckthorn with a fork? It may seem strange to you, but it is also quite easy to assemble the sea-buckthorn in this way. Bend fork teeth, between the second and the third insert a branch with berries and drill sharply to the bottom. Perhaps a few berries will be damaged and juice will be allowed, so wear gloves. You can use a knife, but you cut off only one side to them. You can also cut off the pedicel with ordinary scissors from a branch.
  6. Collection of juice . Prepare a jar or a friend's dishes. Wear special clothing, gloves, glasses, so that the juice does not get into the eyes or on the skin. Make sure that the gloves and collection container are clean. Then start directly on the tree to squeeze the bunches of berries, substituting the dishes for them. Do it carefully, so that the skin does not pour sandpaper or seeds. In this way, you can collect 2 to 3 liters of juice per hour. After, remove the remnants of berries from the branches.