Warm beds in the greenhouse

Unfortunately, in our latitudes the summer is not always happy with warm days. And therefore, to ensure a good harvest, you have to build a greenhouse . But even she can not always guarantee that the fruits are well knit and have time to ripen. To protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, we advise you to start your device in a greenhouse of warm beds. We will talk about how to prepare warm beds in spring and autumn in the greenhouse, and also if we need additional heating in the greenhouse, and we will talk today.

What are warm beds?

So, what are these "warm beds"? As the name suggests, these are beds, in the arrangement of which heating was provided. There are a lot of ways to make this heating: lay pipes with warm water, lay the electric heating system, and, finally, the most affordable one - use the heat released from rotting plants. Due to the heating of the ground, plants grown on a warm patch grow faster: they are squeezed out of the ground, grow, form an ovary and yield.

Method 1 - device in the greenhouse of electric warm beds

A huge advantage of the electric beds in the greenhouse is the ability to accurately adjust the temperature and duration of heating the soil. To arrange the bed in the soil, a geotextile layer is laid, and then an electrical cable is laid down to a depth of 40 cm in rows with a step of 15 cm. The system is equipped with a thermostat that allows you to turn the heating on and off as needed. The electricity consumption for heating a medium-sized greenhouse will average 15 kW.

Method 2 - the device in the greenhouse of warm water beds

In this case, for heating the soil and heating the air in the greenhouse, PVC pipes are laid in the ground, through which heated water is released. The advantage of this method is its comparative cheapness, and the fact that the water passing through the pipes heats not only the soil, but also the air in the greenhouse. So, the heating in the greenhouse with watery warm beds is not necessary.

Method 3 - arrangement of organic warm beds

Cooking organic warm beds can be both in spring and autumn. In the places planned for future beds lay a layer of rotten wood - boards, trimmed branches, etc. The second layer is laid plant remains, for example, foliage. On top of the second layer pour a little earth and sprinkle a layer of ash at a rate of 1 glass per 1 square meter of the bed. On top of this layer a mixture of peat or humus (6 buckets), sand (1 bucket), ash (2 cups), urea (1 tablespoon), superphosphate (1 tablespoon) and potassium sulfate (1 teaspoon) . The resulting "layered pie" is abundantly moistened (5-10 buckets per square meter of the bed) and covered with a film. After 2-3 weeks, when the bed comes up and warms up, you can start sowing works.