Beautiful flower beds

The flowerbeds, planted with exquisite colorful flowers, can transform your site beyond recognition. Find out which plants are most suitable for spectacular flower beds.

Beautiful annuals for the flower bed

Very often flower beds, decorated with their own hands, are planted by annuals. These are the most beautiful decorative flowers, pleasing to the eye and raising the mood for just one season. Here is a list of the 5 most common flowering annuals for flowerbeds.

Agetarum is characterized by a long flowering - from May to October. Dwarf varieties of this plant have abundantly flowered terry inflorescences and are perfect for a monochlorous flower bed.

Marigolds due to their short stature are usually planted along the edges of the flowerbed. They perfectly set off other flowers, being a part of a different-level, modular or the most usual round flower bed. In addition, marigolds have a useful property to revitalize the soil, highlighting special phytoncides.

To grow petunias for a beautiful flowerbed in the country will not be difficult. Multicolored "gramophones" of this flower will decorate any site, becoming a bright spot on the background of lushly flowering greens.

As a rule, nasturtium helps to decorate a beautiful flowerbed with their own hands. This plant has many varieties, which have a bright coloring. In the flowerbed, nasturtium can be combined with marigold, sage, titonia or heliotrope.

For edging a bright flower bed a good choice will be an annual Lobularia . It blooms all season and will give you a wonderful honey aroma.

Beautiful flower beds of perennials

You can make a flower bed with the help of beautiful long-flowering perennials.

Geranium gorgeous perfect for mixborders, because it has large brightly colored flowers, and since August a picturesque reddish shade is acquired by the leaves themselves.

Rudbeckia is a brilliant blossom, beginning in the middle of summer. Its bright yellow-orange flowers from afar attract attention. If the flowerbed is not very densely planted, then rudbeckia can grow "wide", spreading over quite large areas.

If your flowerbed is located in a shady place, then it's best to decorate it with astilba . This plant is able to blossom fluffily even in a dense shadow! Depending on the location of flowers in the flowerbed, you can choose a low-growing or, conversely, tall variety.

Together with astilba in the shade is usually planted another perennial - the host . Its main feature is large decorative green leaves with light veins.

Salvia sage grows on almost any soil, this is a very unpretentious plant. The plant has a small height (from 30 to 50 cm) and is suitable for any type of flower beds. In addition to the beautiful blue-violet hue, the sage has a characteristic pleasant aroma.

The following photo gallery illustrates various options for decorating beautiful flower beds.