Prevention of Pregnancy

At all times women have been looking for effective ways to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Our great-grandmothers used the means, which today cause only a smile or laughter. Modern women are more fortunate - at the present time there are quite a lot of various means for preventing pregnancy.

The effectiveness of any method and drug directly depends on the correctness of its use. Many modern means of protection against pregnancy

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

All modern means of protection are divided into several categories depending on the action and method of application. The main methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy:

  1. Mechanical means. The principle of the operation of mechanical means of protection against pregnancy: preventing the penetration of seminal fluid into the female genitals or preventing the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. Mechanical means of protection are very popular. These include: condoms, intrauterine spiral, cervical cap. The efficiency of mechanical means ranges from 85% to 99% and depends on the correctness of their application. Of all mechanical means, only a condom is able to protect as much as possible from sexually transmitted diseases. However, an incorrectly dressed condom can easily tear.
  2. Biological means. The principle of the action of biological remedies against unwanted pregnancy: a change in the hormonal background of a woman and the inhibition of the process of ovulation. Biological products are available in the form of hormonal tablets, which the woman takes daily. For each hormone preparation, there are own admission rules, which are detailed in the annotation. As biological agents contain sex hormones, before their reception it is necessary to consult at the gynecologist. Many drugs are contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases. The effectiveness of biological means is 98%.
  3. Chemicals. The principle of the action of chemical means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the effect on the spermatozoa in such a way that they become unable to fertilize the oocyte. Chemicals include various creams and gels that should be injected into the vagina some time before sexual intercourse. Substances contained in chemical agents - spermicides, act locally. The effectiveness of these funds is 85%. To achieve maximum effect, chemical contraceptives are recommended to be combined with mechanical means of protection.
  4. Prevention of pregnancy by folk remedies. The most common folk remedies include interrupted sexual intercourse. Principle of action: the penis is removed from the vagina before ejaculation and the fertilization of the egg does not occur. The effectiveness of the method is about 80%.
  5. The calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Principle of operation: using the calendar, dangerous and safe days of a woman's menstrual cycle are calculated. It is known that for a month there are only a few days in which a woman is able to become pregnant. The calendar method allows you to calculate these days, thereby preventing an unwanted pregnancy. The effectiveness of the method is about 60%, since the organism of each woman is individual.

The better to protect yourself from pregnancy?

The method of protection should be chosen depending on the individual characteristics of the female body and the relationship with the sexual partner. The best means of protection during casual communication is a condom, because it is able to prevent various diseases. Biological and chemical agents should be used on the recommendation of the treating gynecologist.