Love of the zodiac signs

The love of the zodiac signs is as different as all of us. At the same time, there is a certain similar attitude to this feeling among representatives of the same element. Thus, the people of the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) perceive love as an important event in their life, capable of flaring up brighter and brighter if their partner is a representative of the elements of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

The love between the signs of the zodiac of Fire and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is very different. As a rule, in nature water can extinguish a fire. So it can happen between people of these signs - they are too different, both in temperament and in their views on love relationships .

As for the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), they can find a common language with gusting fiery people, and their solidity will only help strengthen relations.

How do different people understand the love of the zodiac?

Each sign of the Zodiac in its own way represents a love relationship, and even representatives of the same elements behave differently, for example, the signs of Fire:

How do signs of the zodiac show love?

  1. Aries , as a rule, are ready to fulfill any desire of the beloved (loved one), but it is important for them that everything that they do is appreciated.
  2. Taurus is characterized by a manifestation of love in the material plane - it can be exquisite fashion jewelry, expensive glassware, etc.
  3. Gemini is ready for gifts that carry love and warmth: soft toys, inexpensive but pleasant jewelry.
  4. Cancers will surround their love with romance and mystery: a romantic candlelight evening will be provided, and if necessary, for the sake of the beloved, they are ready for self-sacrifice.
  5. Lions are pragmatists, so his gifts are an example of solidity and well-being, which means they will not be frequent, but expensive.
  6. Virgos are usually laconic, but they are ready to give up everything and run to the aid of a loved one.
  7. Scales . For them, in love, pleasure is important: they are ready to give it to their partner, but they demand the same return.
  8. Scorpios in love are easily manageable and ready for anything for a loved one.
  9. Sagittarius usually show their love openly, he is ready for insane deeds, which, incidentally, are not always justified.
  10. Aquarians are somewhat chilly, and love will most likely have to be chosen by a chosen one or by a chosen one.
  11. Capricorn in love is a constant concern, therefore, caring about the health of the chosen one, he, rather, will buy not flowers, but a warm blanket.
  12. Pisces will try to impress his beloved with clever speeches and broad outlook.

How do love understand the different signs of the zodiac?

The understanding of love for different signs of the zodiac is also different: if the fire signs are impetuous and imperious, then the air requires in fantasy relationships fantasies , games: routine and greyness are not for them. Signs of the Earth prefer in relationships solidity, openness, truthfulness. For signs of Water in love, a delicate attitude, romance, a certain mystery and caution is necessary.