Seals in the mammary glands of women

This kind of disorder, like the appearance of seals in the mammary glands in women is noted quite often. As a rule, in most cases they indicate the presence of a pathological process in the mammary glands. However, it must be said that, at times, compaction in the chest can also occur in a process such as breastfeeding . Let's consider the most common cases and tell you when the compaction and pain in the chest are pathological, and when a similar phenomenon has a physiological origin.

When the compaction of the breast can not cause suspicion?

So often, the tightness in the chest is noted just before the menstrual period. The reason for this is a change in the hormonal background in the female body, which leads to an increase in the glands in the volume. Many women also note an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, nipple nipple. All of the above can be attributed to physiological changes that are cyclical and are observed at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. It should be noted that in some girls these symptoms are more pronounced, and some sometimes do not notice their presence.

In what cases is the consolidation of the glandular breast tissue a cause for concern and concern among women?

Any kind of painful tightness in the chest should be an excuse for the woman to go to the doctor. Moreover, the sooner this happens, the better for the health of the girl herself. Only a doctor is able after a proper examination to establish the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Separately it is necessary to say about the compaction in the chest, which is noted during lactation. In such cases, as a rule, the cause of its appearance is stagnation, leading to mastitis . So when the milk ducts are clogged, there is a violation of milk secretion. As a result, the glandular tissue swells, causing augmentation of the breast in volume. This is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a pain of a pulsating nature, redness of the skin of the chest. This type of compaction in the breast in nursing does not require any medical treatment. As a rule, everything is limited by the use of compresses on the chest, timely decantation, mammary gland massage.

If a woman does not breast-feed, there is a large enough seal in her chest, then this should be regarded as a neoplasm that can have both benign and malignant nature. In order to establish this, doctors prescribe a biopsy of a piece of glandular tissue.

The cause of the appearance of a seal in the area of ​​the nipple of the breast, there may be a disease, such as fibroadenoma. This disorder is most common in women of childbearing age. This combines the glandular and connective tissue of the breast into a single lump, the size of which does not exceed 1-2 cm. A distinctive feature is the fact that it is mobile.

The presence of a red seal on the chest, which has clear boundaries, can speak of a disease such as a breast cyst. The cause of the appearance of such a violation is a change in the hormonal background. This is often observed in women 40-60 years.

The presence of a small, mobile compaction in the breast gland can be a sign of a lipoma. This disorder is characterized by the presence of a benign neoplasm, which is painless, because of which it is detected by a woman accidentally (for example during hygienic procedures). As a rule, the lipoma grows rather slowly and almost never requires surgical intervention.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the causes of the appearance of seals in the mammary gland are many. That is why to determine the one that led to the disease in a particular case, you need a thorough diagnosis.