Pilaf with mussels in the multivark

Mussels have always been known and popular with their useful properties, due to the content in them of a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. We suggest you combine the delicious with the useful and prepare a delicious pilaf with mussels in the multivark. This dish will impress with its amazing taste and will not take away much time and energy from you.

Plov's recipe from mussels in the multivariate



So, for cooking pilaf with mussels, take vegetables, clean, rinse and cut into small cubes. Then pour a little bit of vegetable oil into the pan of the multivarka, put out the program "Zharka" and pass the onions and carrots to half ready. Next, spread to the vegetables, peeled off hairs and washed mussels and tushim all together, about 5 minutes. After that, pour rice, fry for a minute, and then pour water, season the dish with pepper, salt and turmeric to taste and put the program "Rice - Spaghetti". We are waiting for the sound signal of readiness, we mix the pilaf thoroughly and lay it out on portions plates.

Pilaf from mussels and shrimps in a multivariate



Onions and garlic are cleaned, crushed. Bulgarian pepper cut in half, remove the core and seeds, shred straw. Cleaned carrots rub on a coarse grater. Shrimp and mussels pre-defrosted, cleaned of shell and washed in warm water. Then lay the prepared seafood in a bowl multivarka, pre-lubricated with olive oil. Add the onion, garlic, Bulgarian pepper and carrots. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pour out thoroughly washed rice and pour all the boiled water. Solim, pepper to taste, close the lid and activate the automatic program "Plov" on the device. Before serving the food on the table, pilaf with mussels and shrimp is mixed and sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Pilaf from mussels in tomato



Consider another option, how to cook pilaf with mussels. Rice thoroughly washed and soaked for 1 hour in warm running water. This time while we defrost the mussels and clean them. Vegetables are cleaned, washed and dried. Carrots rubbed on a grater with large holes. Onion shredded thin semirings. We turn on the multivark program "Hot" and pour a little vegetable oil into the pan of the appliance. We spread onions, carrots and stew, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes. Then turn off the multivark, from the rice, carefully drain the water and add it to the roasting. We lay mussels, raw garlic cloves, add salt, ground pepper, bay leaf and spices to taste. We mix everything thoroughly.

We spread the tomato paste with hot water and pour the tomato sauce into the pilaf with seafood. Fill all with boiling water so that the rice is completely covered with water. Close the lid, turn on the "Milk porridge" program and set the time for 50 minutes. After the sound signal, pilaf in the multivarque with mussels is ready.