Vegeto-vascular dystonia in adolescents

The diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD)" has long ceased to be a rarity in children and adolescents. According to the latest data, almost every second teenager faces the manifestations of this problem. What is teenage vegetative-vascular dystonia and how to treat it properly - let's understand together.

Symptoms of AVI in adolescents

Vegeto vascular dystonia is not inherently a separate disease, it is rather a complex of problems. As a result of failures in the functioning of the body's vascular system, there is a disruption in the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen, which entails a variety of reactions:

Vegetosovascular dystonia in adolescents is most often manifested paroxysmally. Most teenagers and their parents do not attach much importance to this, believing that eventually everything will go away by itself. It should be noted that in some cases this is the case. But most often the problem itself does not disappear anywhere, interfering with normal life activity and threatening the possibility of a stroke in the future.

Treatment of AVI in adolescents

In order to cope with any problem, you must first determine the causes of its occurrence. Why does the VSD syndrome occur in adolescents? The blame for all the increased psycho-emotional burden with which the immature nervous system is unable to cope. That's why teenagers with a subtle emotional organization, excitable and inclined to experiences, suffer from vegetative vascular dystonia most often. Compounded by all the failure to comply with the regime, midnight vigils at the computer, immoderate physical exertion and craving for adulthood in the form of cigarettes and booze.

Coping with vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents will help compliance with the following rules:

1. A teenager needs to adjust the regime of the day. Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, do not forget about morning exercises and walks in the fresh air. Do not shield the teenager from the VSD from physical exertion - within reasonable limits they will go only for good. Ideal sports will be skating, cycling, table tennis, swimming, outdoor games with the ball.

2. Proper nutrition - a pledge of well-being. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of salt, meat of fatty varieties, baked goods and sweets. The best friends of the vessels are products containing potassium and magnesium:

3. A good way to relieve a teenager from the VSD is also therapeutic massage and physiotherapy.

4. The life of a teenager is full of various stresses. This is the training load, and relationships with peers, and the changes that occur with his body. Therefore, we should not even further complicate his life with exorbitant demands. Parents should make efforts to create a home of the most benevolent atmosphere, so that the child can relax and rest.

5. In especially severe cases, when vegeto-vascular dystonia in adolescents literally poisons their life, it is necessary to resort to medical therapy. Preparations for the treatment of the VSD are selected by a neuropathologist, taking into account all the features of the disease. Most often in the therapy include antidepressants, soothing drugs and fortifying agents.