Diseases of the urinary bladder in women

Diseases of the urinary bladder in women develop quite often. And an important role in such a high frequency is played by the peculiarities of the structure of the female genitourinary system. Among the diseases associated with the bladder, it is worth noting the following conditions:

Symptoms of the pathology of the bladder

Symptoms of bladder disease, in the first place, are violations of urination. This is a characteristic increase in the number of trips to the toilet, and soreness in the process of urination.

  1. In cystitis, the cause of such symptoms is the causative agent of infectious inflammation.
  2. And with cystalgia - a violation of neuromuscular regulation of the bladder.
  3. Rapid urination can also occur with a hyperactive bladder . This condition can be accompanied by urinary incontinence and is also a consequence of neurological disorders.
  4. In malignant tumors, in addition to dysuric phenomena, there may be an admixture of blood in the urine.
  5. Since the causes of the development of diseases of the bladder and kidneys are closely interrelated, sometimes an infectious agent can spread to the kidney tissue. This is facilitated by a violation of the outflow of urine. As a result, a more serious disease develops - pyelonephritis. In this case, the pronounced symptoms of intoxication come to the fore.

Main approaches to treatment

Diet in diseases of the bladder should be to limit any products that cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary system. These are sharp, smoked, salted, fatty and fried foods. Important is the reception of a copious amount of liquid. Cowberry and cranberry fruit drinks will be especially useful. Beneficial effect of the grass harvest.

The main direction in the treatment of diseases of the bladder is the elimination of the cause that caused the disruption of the functioning of the organ. With cystitis, the drugs of choice are antibiotics. The expressed painful syndrome will help to remove analgesics, antispasmodics. With a hyperactive bladder, along with conservative methods of treatment and surgical correction of the disease. The same approach is also used for tumor proliferation of the bladder tissue.

Operation is often required and with abnormalities of the structure and location of the urethra. As you know, this is considered a good soil for the development of various diseases of the bladder in women. Therefore, eliminating this feature, you can forget about chronic cystitis for a long time.