Sexual Psychology

Studies of female sexual psychology argue that to date, most women are dissatisfied. Facts show that these cases are even more common in family life. It's amazing, because women can potentially get more pleasure than men (duration of orgasm up to 12 seconds, the ability to receive several orgasms, even as men have one and lasts one and a half seconds). In addition, women enjoy kissing the neck and chest, they can and in 50 years of experiencing attraction to the stronger sex. But why do not they feel absolutely happy? And women who consider themselves quite satisfied, argue that the pleasure of sex came to them not immediately. There are various reasons for this situation.

Psychology of Sexual Life

One does not like the family financial condition, because of quarrels and household problems they have lost the desire for a spouse . Others complain about the deterioration of health, poor health and depression associated with dissatisfaction in bed. Some do not feel orgasm at all, and their intimacy is not pleasant.

There are women who experience a strong attraction to a man, but do not experience pleasure during sexual intercourse. They, even with a good partner, can not reach orgasm . More about them, we'll talk about later.

And there are women who are capable of both relaxation and pleasure, the psychology of sexual behavior is embedded in them, but the relationship with a specific man does not allow both to fully enjoy the joint sex. There are two ways out - either to maximally diversify your sex life, add a new interesting, increase your own sexuality or get sex on the side. This is advised by psychologists, everyone has the right to make his choice.

And so, about the reasons for the lack of the opportunity to enjoy the proximity with your loved one, instead of feeling guilty and ashamed of your own sensuality. This state, mostly unconscious.

Where does the shame for sensuality originate?

Perhaps this is women's psychology, sexual violence, such an unfortunate experience. But mostly from childhood, and vaccinated by parents. They were formed in childhood, as a result of punishments and prohibitions of parents associated with masturbation and erotic games. Most of the women applying to psychotherapists because of lack of pleasure from sex, at the age of 5 - 10 years were punished for such childish pranks. This gave impetus to the development of a strong sense of shame and guilt. When the girls grew up and turned into women, they now became sexually inactive, often - they refuse even fantasies. They all their life thought it was "bad", touch their sexual organs, and stop touching themselves. It follows that their sensitivity decreases.

You can get rid of this with the help of a psychologist, but it takes several meetings.

But even here the sexual psychology of a woman is very different from the sexual psychology of men: the problematic situation at the upbringing of such women is that parents are much more aggressive about sexuality in girls, not in boys. It turns out that such girls are blocked by a sense of pleasure and the possibility of enjoyment, but not the natural desire itself. And those girls who began to develop a little later and did not show any "before" sexual activity, for which they were not punished - grow sexually healthy. In the upbringing of their children, one must remember that in order to be sensual and not have problems with this in adulthood, it is simply necessary to masturbate in childhood, it prepares the sexual organs for sexual life and psyche in general.