Essential oils are aphrodisiacs

It's no secret that there are various methods to accelerate the onset of sexual arousal. One such means are essential oils-aphrodisiacs. They have been known since ancient times. Even the famous Japanese geisha used them in order to have greater appeal in the eyes of men.

Essential oils-aphrodisiacs and their properties and application

The most famous remedy in this group is Neroli oil. It is a squeeze from the flowers of an orange tree. It is believed that this ether was used even by Cleopatra, known to this day due to her beauty and sexuality . No less effective is the aroma of cinnamon. He also acts exciting.

As for the effectiveness of this method, there is no unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Someone reacts more sharply to smells, someone, on the contrary, may not notice the aroma. Properties of essential oils-aphrodisiacs are still being studied. Therefore, it is best to select the bottle yourself, focusing on your own feelings and partner emotions .

How to use aromatic aphrodisiac oil?

Apply this tool is very simple. There are two methods for using it, firstly, you can just pour it into a special lamp for oils, so you smell the whole room with the scent. Secondly, you can apply liquid to your body, however, in this case it is worthwhile to be careful. The ethereal aphrodisiac can leave burns on the skin, so be sure to mix it with a base oil, for example, peach.

Whichever way you choose, observe moderation. Even the most beautiful fragrance will become unbearable and disgusting if it is applied too much. 10 minutes burning lamp with oil is enough to fumigate the room area of ​​10-12 meters, exactly, like 1-2 drops deposited on the body will be enough.