Shop by yourself

For recreation in the country or in the garden, we often use a bench or bench. On it you can read a book in the shade of trees, and have fun chatting with friends. With their help you can create real compositions that will decorate your country site. It should be remembered that such furniture should be comfortable and ideally fit into the common space of the yard or garden. All these conditions can be met by a shop for dachas, made by own hands.

Before you start making such a bench, you need to decide where in the suburban area you will put it. It will depend on this, from what material can you make such a bench. For example, in a garden with large sprawling trees, a bench from logs or a tree with forged elements will look great. And for a young garden is more suitable openwork light bench in a romantic style.

A beautiful place for rest and solitude will be a bench near a flowerbed in a quiet corner by the pond. Romantic and mysterious will look the original bench of an aged tree near a brick wall surrounded by garlands of curling flowers.

Most often, the seat and back of the bench are made of wood, and their shape can be very different and even incorrect: it will be even more interesting. And the rest of the bench is made of stone, wood and any other handy material. Let's look at how to make a bench from improvised materials in the form of wooden pallets.

Shop for your own home

On any construction site, after completion of the work, unnecessary pallets remain, from which it is possible to make a convenient bench for a summer residence. For its manufacture we will need such materials and tools:

  1. With the help of an electric jigsaw or saw, we cut off everything that is unnecessary from the wooden pallet. All racks must be carefully sanded with sandpaper or a sanding machine. This will make the surface of the workpiece smooth. If there are chips on the boards, then the carpentry glue and several screws will help to correct this deficiency. To make the surface of the future shop even smoother and even, you can use the putty. After its complete drying, the wooden frame should be sanded with fine sandpaper.
  2. We strengthen the skeleton of the future product with edge boards, which, in addition, will improve the appearance of our shop.
  3. Now you need to install the legs. We cut them out of the remains of the pallet, while trying to choose the most straight boards, and grind them well. Each leg is attached to the base of the bench with a pair of screws.
  4. In order to make our bench smooth, a transverse crossbar should be installed between the legs, the length of which should be equal to the distance between the legs at the place of attachment to the seat. To make it more convenient, the legs are fixed with a clamp.
  5. The basis for a summer residence is ready. Now we select from the remains of the pallet the boards for sitting, carefully leveling them and sanding them.
  6. You can paint them in one color or, at your discretion, use different colors for each board. The frame of the bench can also be painted in one color or covered with two different shades of paint.
  7. After the paint dries well, you can fasten the boards to the frame of the bench, using also the screws. Then you can walk a little on the seat of the bench with a sandpaper or a grinding machine, and then cover the product with a matte varnish. So you give the bench an aged look. Here's how the shop for the dacha, made by own hands, looks like.

To make a bench made of wooden pallets, more original, you can use several different sized pallets, apply different colors. Under the seat of such a bench, you can attach a shelf, which will store all sorts of little things.