Is it good to drink raw eggs?

There are people who drink a raw egg every day and feel great at the same time. Let's see if it is useful to drink raw eggs , and if so, who is particularly encouraged to do this.

How useful is a raw chicken egg?

  1. It has long been known that some vitamins and other useful compounds are destroyed when heated. In this regard, the thermally unprocessed eggs are richer in the substances we need than boiled or fried. Raw eggs contain lecithin, vitamins D, E, A, PP, B12 and B3, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium. Due to this composition, raw eggs have a restorative effect on the body, promote immunity, normalize the heart and nervous system, preserve sight, improve well-being.
  2. Raw eggs are an effective prevention of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer. The secret is that the egg reduces the level of acidity, thus protecting the walls of the stomach from damage.
  3. Those who are engaged in sports, for certain interests, whether crude eggs are useful after physical activities. Professional athletes per day can drink up to a dozen eggs, and they feel themselves at the same time perfectly. Eggs contain protein , which is well absorbed by our body and is used to restore muscle mass. Therefore, after the end of a heavy workout, you can afford a cocktail with a raw egg.

Why drink raw eggs?

If you want to improve the condition of the skin and hair, to prevent gastritis or peptic ulcer, to normalize the function of the reproductive system and hemoglobin level, to improve the work of the heart and nervous system, to replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals so that the immune system works like a clock - drink raw eggs.

However, this wonderful product has one big drawback. Using a raw egg, you can get a serious infectious disease - salmonellosis. Because of this, the question of whether raw eggs are useful is still open. It can be unequivocally said that giving a child A thermally unprocessed egg does not follow, as children heavier than adults carry infectious diseases, so it's better not to take risks.

What raw eggs can I drink?

  1. It is better to eat eggs from the store, and choose the freshest of them. In the spontaneous markets, eggs are sold that have not undergone sanitary control, so when they are used, the risk of catching salmonellosis is higher.
  2. Before you drink an egg, thoroughly wash the shell with soap.
  3. Eggs with damaged shell can not be drunk.

Raw eggs are a useful product, but they should be eaten correctly, observing precautionary measures, and immediately consult a doctor if your health worsens.