When can I have an abortion?

Determine whether it is possible, a woman to have an abortion, can only a qualified specialist. After all, the procedure for premature termination of pregnancy can cause negative consequences, including the inability to become pregnant in the future.

Terms for the abortion

Determining the period, up to how many weeks of pregnancy you can do abortion interests many. At the request of a woman, you can have an abortion when the gestation period is up to 12 weeks. After this period, abortion is also possible, however, medical contraindications to pregnancy are required to conduct it.

Interruption of pregnancy is indicated in the presence of abnormalities of fetus development, including in chromosomal pathology, as well as in severe, chronic somatic diseases in women. In this case, prolongation of pregnancy can lead to decompensation of chronic pathology and poses a threat to the life of a woman. Abortion on the term of pregnancy for more than 8 weeks will always be performed surgically by scraping.

It is also important to know before what time it is possible to do tabletted abortion and vacuum termination of pregnancy. Without a doubt, these methods are less traumatic for the female body. But the possibility of such types of termination of pregnancy exists only in the early stages. For the tablet method, the maximum time limit for abortion is 6 weeks, and for vacuum extraction, up to 8 weeks.

There are no age restrictions for abortion. However, persons under 15 years of age to carry out an artificial termination of pregnancy need permission from their parents.

Number of abortions allowed

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to do a second abortion, and whether it carries a threat for further pregnancy. Limitations on how often you can do abortion does not exist. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the type of intervention aimed at aborting the pregnancy, and the skill of the gynecologist.

Only a woman decides how many times an abortion can be made, but it is worth remembering that every interruption of pregnancy carries a heavy stress on all organs and systems of the body. The consequences of abortion can be indelible.

Even with less invasive methods, it is often not possible to avoid hormonal failure. With surgical abortion, complications in the form of perforation of the uterus . In this case, it is not always possible to eliminate the defect in the wall of the uterus or stop the bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the uterus, which subsequently leads to the inability to become pregnant.