If the cat dies at home - signs

Among all animals, the cat stands out for its mystery and its connection with the other world. It is believed that the cat sees something that is inaccessible to the human eye and can foresee the events that will occur with its master. Even the death of a cat is associated with something mystical and unusual. Therefore, people are eager to know what cats die and what signs are associated with this.

Signs if the cat dies at home

Cats feel their death and try to end their life in solitude . For this they run away from home or hide in a secluded place. However, urban living conditions in apartments do not allow cats to leave and die in freedom. But the signs as to where the cat died, say that the death of this animal in the house is not good. This sad event can point to other sad and disturbing events that will happen to the household: problems at work, illness, severe disappointment.

Why do cats die in the house?

There are situations when in the house one by one the pets die. Sometimes this may indicate that an infection has started in the room. However, the death of several cats in a row may have another meaning. Animals, especially cats, are able to pull on themselves the negative energy that is in the house. They are able to take on the negative that is sent to the residents of the house. If there is a lot of negative, the cat can not stand and die. In addition, sometimes cats give their beloved host one of their nine lives. That is, if all the cats appearing in the house die, then most likely there is a lot of black energy in the house, which the cats can not cope with.

In this case, care should be taken to clean the atmosphere of the house of the negative. The source of black energy can be people coming into the house and carrying evil thoughts , as well as households that bring negative energy from outside.