Altai Balm

The modern world does not do without stressful situations, which negatively affect the nervous system and the body's resistance to various negative factors in general. Altai balm on herbs will have a calming effect and will strengthen immunity.

Features of balsam

Altai herb balm contains a huge amount of natural ingredients. These include:

Thanks to its components, you can significantly improve your body, as well as:

Assortment of balsams Altai bouquet

Depending on the constituent components, Altai balsams can be divided in direction and impact. So, for example, there are balms for strengthening the heart and treating the kidneys, balm for the joints or soothing. Separately release the drug for women, men or children. All infusions and syrups do not contain alcohol.

Soothing balsam Altai bouquet is very popular and has only positive reviews. It includes:

It is an excellent remedy that will help to overcome insomnia, calm the nervous system, and restore balance. Due to its components, balm regulates the activity of the heart and can have an antispasmodic effect on the vessels of the brain.

Vitamin Balsam Altai bouquet is no less popular due to its regenerating properties and the ability to restore the body after severe illnesses and surgeries.

It consists of the following components:

Method of application and contraindications of balm

As for taking this natural remedy, it is recommended to take 1-2 teaspoons every morning and lunch. For this, you can simply stir the medicine in a cup of tea, coffee, juice or mineral water.

Contraindications this tool has not. The only thing that can arise is a reaction to the syrup in case of individual intolerance of individual components.